Category Archives: Sweet Breathing

One of Degree, Not of Kind

“The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.”

-Charles Darwin


Bears are not companions of men, but children of God, and His charity is broad enough for both. Yet bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are overdomed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with heart-pulsings like ours and was poured from the same fountain…”
– John Muir


Understanding the Language of Nature

Forest Stump, Trail of the Cedars

The language that nature uses, how do we touch it, know it?  It surely exists on a plane that some access readily, but most humans aren’t close enough to understand.

I love this time lapse video showing the loveliness of mushrooms sprouting from the forest floor, their umbrellas unfurling majestically.  It speaks to me, but the language is clearer, louder when I’m the forest itself, listening…. listening.


Sacred Water

“Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium.

There is no life without water.”

-Albert Szent-Gyorgyl

The Preserve, Water Drop, Tree Trunk

Sacred water, this precious gift holds our very existence.

Sweet life itself is not possible without water.

“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans;

in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence.”

-Kahlil Gibran

I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux


The Wanderer

“Let yourself fall in love with nature. Visit new places and discover your own back yard. Spend more time outside watching sunrises and sunsets. Make time to star gaze. Stand barefoot in the beautiful earth and reconnect your soul. To the energy that created you. You are a part of a magnificent universe. Take the time to be present with it all. Allow nature to feed your soul. Those who wander will never feel lost.”

-Carly Marie

Visit new places

and discover your own back yard







Spend more time outside watching sunrises

October Sunrise


and sunsets

Sunrise, Cedar Key


Make time to star gaze

Polebridge, Milky Way

Stand barefoot on the beautiful earth. To the energy that created you. You are a part of a magnificent universe. Take the time to be present with it all. Allow nature to feed your soul. Those who wander will never feel lost.”

Foot on a Rock

Remembering How to Be

“If you ever find yourself empty from something you cannot know or name, find a stretch of ocean, a field, or mountainside, or even clouds or trees. Because there are 1,000 simple ways to fill your tired soul so you can remember how to be, how to see, and most importantly, how to breathe.”

-Victoria Erickson

Sunrise over the Ocean

Clouds 2014