Tag Archives: Deer


The last day of February – already.  Our winter in northwest Montana came late… beautifully, powerfully and incessantly.  Deep cold and deep snow. Satisfying.  Waking to heavy snow showers this morning, knowing we’re transitioning soon, I’m absorbing it all.

I need this deep winter.

“I love the deep silence of the midwinter woods. It is a stillness you can rest your whole weight against… This stillness is so profound you are sure it will hold and last.”

-Florence Page Jaques

“So burrow in. Snuggle deep. A winter idyll of simple splendor awaits.”

-Sarah Ban Brea



Wednesday’s Wonders – A Day in Spring

“Write it in your heart that every day is the best day of the year.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Deer Munching Grass

 “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bird in White Flowered Tree

“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.”

-Betty Smith

White Buds, Blue Sky, Clouds

Love on Tiny Hooves



Yes, love does come in the door in many ways.

Seeing the beauty of creation in all the wild ones, knowing every life is a gift –

how can you not?


“Your growing antlers,’ Bambi continued, ‘are proof of your intimate place in the forest, for of all the things that live and grow only the trees and the deer shed their foliage each year and replace it more strongly, more magnificently, in the spring.”
Felix Salten, Bambi’s Children


Holding on to Winter

It snowed all day today, March 10th.

This event was met with dismay by every other human that I know – but not by me!

Why can’t I get enough snow?  I’m not ready for winter to be over…

(I haven’t said this out loud to any other person).

Snow Caps in Pasture, MarchThe writer, Rick Bass
understands what snow can mean, does mean, to this human be-ing (me).  I was reading his Winter (notes from Montana) this afternoon as the big flakes fell steadily and silently down.

Continually. Rhythmically.  Silently. Magically.

Bass writes from his perspective as a native Texan of his first Montana winter and his immersion in snow:

“I’ll never get used to snow – how slowly it comes down, how the world seems to slow down, how time slows…                                       I don’t mind the cold. The beauty is worth it”.

“I watch individual flakes;  I peer up through the snow and see the blank infinity from which it comes;                                                    I listen to the special silence it creates.”

“I stand outside in the snow for long periods of time, in the middle of it, looking out:  I cannot believe I am so rich,              getting all this snow….                                                                        Everything’s so quiet.”

“It’s more like an afterlife.  I never dreamed I would live in a hard country away from people, with such quietness.”

Snow & Deck, March

Re-reading, then typing his words, helps me to understand why I’m hanging on to winter and to snow.  I crave more of that special silence, that feeling of richness, that comes in the sweetness of falling flakes and under the snow blanket they create.  Even with the slowing of time, the season went so quickly, too fast.

Spring will come and I will relish the unearthing and the rebirth all ‘round.  But not yet.  For a few more days let me feel all the depth, serenity and solitude of winter.