Tag Archives: Raven

One Wild and Precious Life

“We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfactions of happy hour. We are the inheritors of an amazing lineage, rippling with memories of life lived intimately with bison and gazelle, raven and the night sky.
We are designed to encounter this life with amazement and wonder, not resignation and endurance. This is at the very heart of our grief and sorrow.
The dream of full-throated living, woven into our very being, has often been forgotten and neglected, replaced by a societal fiction of productivity and material gain. No wonder we seek distractions.
Every sorrow we carry extends from the absence of what we require to stay engaged in this “one wild and precious life”.
-Francis Weller

Ravens – A Photo Gallery

Raven teaches me of endless curiosity, partnership, work ethic, continual learning, listening, mystery, intelligence…

They fascinate, stimulate, illuminate.

I am always aware of their presence….


Bryce, Raven, Straight On


Raven, Head Turned



Bryce, Raven Against Red Rock

 “I am a black bird, a Raven, I am Raven. I know and I am knowing—I know and see life and death, expansion and contraction and I do not shiver and cry—I am unafraid.

I am Raven. I am black as liquid night with wings and my eyes are stars to see by.

The light within me leads the way and it is revealed through my eyes and I am what lies between the dark and light.

I am the balance between.”
H. Raven Rose, Liquid Me: A Collection of Poetry and Prose