Welcome to Joyce’s Photography, Love of Nature, & Sweet Simple Living Blog

Sweet dreams are made of this!

This dream of mine  is alive right here!

A dream of a special place to share photos, uplifting words, cool websites to learn from, adventures, The Sapphire Girls, and the lovely simplicity, deepness, and spiritual radiance of living in a cabin in the woods!

The name “Sweet Breathing” is meant to evoke a sense of presence in the moment, in the sweetness inherent in the wonder of each breath that we are gifted with.  After six years of finding beautiful words from poets, writers, Moms, nature lovers, regular folk, I came across these words from Mark Nepo:

“Is it possible that, with each inhalation, we take in the world and awaken our soul? And with each exhalation, do we free ourselves of the world, which inevitably entangles us.”

This quote is from the introduction page to Nepo’s book, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, Staying Close to What is Sacred, and the full quote, that to me is profoundly moving, is on the blog post dated March 15th.

Thank you for visiting and may you be present to the wonder and majesty that surrounds you in each breath.

Whatever you dream

you can do,

Begin it.

Boldness has

Genius, Power and

Magic in it.

Begin it Now.



33 thoughts on “Welcome to Joyce’s Photography, Love of Nature, & Sweet Simple Living Blog”

    1. Shelly, Thanks for looking around my website and I appreciate the comment. I’ll keep the pictures and quotes coming, along with a reflection or too from me! Hope you’ll drop in often. Check out The Sapphire Girls section too! We’ll have a gathering this year. Joyce

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this site! Mom’s right – it’s totally you! It exhibits your creativity and passion. Can’t wait to see more!

  2. I love this so much! What a great place for all of your thoughts, ideas, photos, and quotes to come together! Now I can see what’s going on in Montana through your pics and have inspirational ideas/quotes to go along with them! I can’t wait to visit in May and experience again the “sweet breathing” in your beautiful Montana woods.
    Love this and you!

  3. Oh Joy-ce! How sweet and full of Yumminess! I Aloha You, your spirit, vision and heart!! What a beautiful testament to All That Is! Mahalo Nui my friend – I will often dip into your pool of Light that you so generously share here!

    “O ka pono ke hana ‘ia a iho mai na lani”.

    “Continue to do good until the heavens come down to you”.

    –Blessings come to those who persist in doing good.
    Mary Kawena Pukui

  4. Sarah told me I had to see your beautiful website with amazing pictures that reminded her of my dad’s photography. I can see how the bears and the boats have his spirit, but the quality is far superior. These photos are so special Tinky. They truly are. I ooooo’d and aaaaaa’d over each one. Thank you for sharing these.

    1. Thank you Beth for your kind comments and support. Hopefully we can get together for a Sapphire Girls event this summer.

  5. I found you this morning, searching in the ethers for Breath poetry and contemplation to share with my elderly students this morning in Yoga. I’ve found a jewel here to be sure! I feel your presence as a warm cuddly blanket on this cool Fall day.
    Namaste ??

    1. I’m so glad you found Sweet Breathing in the ethers this morning Suzanne! My heart sang when I read your post and I was overjoyed that your elderly yoga students may find some uplifting words and find too the sustaining serenity and balance that being immersed in nature can bring – even in pictures! Thank you for looking around the site, and for your lovely words. Namaste.

    1. Gloria, Your comment made my day shine even brighter!! You go get it girl! Get out west where I know your heart is, and live your best life!!

    1. Jane, So glad you dropped by here at Sweet Breathing! The garden surely lets us pause in the beauty and wonder, breathing it all in. Looking forward to our next connection, Joyce

    1. My goodness Majeda, I did not see your beautiful post here, until now, and send a heartfelt thank you! Yes, thank you so very much. I put these posts out there not knowing if they’re received, just knowing I need to do it – they come from my heart, and all the photos are mine – also from my heart. I hope you are well in all ways as our New Year gets underway! And again, thank you!

    1. Naomi, And I am moved that you took the time to express this! Many thanks and please visit often….

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Photography, Nature, Animals, Simple Living, Uplifting Words, Sapphire Girls – Love, Truth & Energy!