“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.It is my personal approach that creates the climate.It is my daily mood that makes the weather.I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous.I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humour, hurt or heal.In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized.If we treat people as they are, we make them worse.If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
All posts by Joyce
Create the World
We Were Born for These Times,by Rachel Alana, Midwives of the Soul
“In the 1980s, during the peak of the Lebanon War, an incredible study was conducted. It was hypothesized, based on many previous smaller experiments, that if enough people were connected in meditation, stimulating a “powerful field of peace” within – that there would be a radiated influence of peace *without*, ie. one that affected the behaviour of people in the outer world. Directed toward an area of conflict, in the words of John Hagelin, people would wake up and think “Hey, I’m not going to kill anyone today.”About a thousand people came together for this experiment in Jerusalem; meditating together with an aim of peace in neighbouring Lebanon. Scientists charted, at the same time, “progress towards peace”. This translated to reduced war deaths, reduced injuries and numbers of bombs dropped, in the location where the meditation focused.The data from this experiment was astounding. The correlation of “progress toward peace” was near “lock step” in alignment with the periods of meditation. Radiating this influence of inner peace, into outer peace in a conflict zone nearby.When put through mathematical analysis, the likelihood that theses results were due to some fluke or chance were less than *one part in ten thousand*. To be able to assert something like this with such certainty, that group meditation prevented war, was an *incredible* finding.When the results of this study were published in the Yale University Journal of Conflict Resolution, it ignited a firestorm in the scientific community. First of all, it took two years to publish the paper; the editors reviewed it and reviewed it, over and over, unable to believe the accuracy of these findings. Finally however, they came to the conclusion that the paper was “unassailable”. The study was performed at a standard of scientific rigour far beyond that required for publication, in any journal. But, when they did publish it, they did so with a letter – the letter saying the results of this experiment were so unexpected, ie. that a thousand people could influence the behaviour of *a million*, that they urged other scientists to go out and repeat the study.And that is exactly what happened. Over the next two and a quarter years, seven other scientific collaborations went out and repeated the study, training and assembling groups of meditators, to see its effect on war. And in every one of these experiments during this two and a quarter year period, there was a marked reduction in war and violence. ie. An *eighty percent* drop in war deaths and war related injuries in comparison to all the other days during this period where there were no mediating groups. In *every single experiment* there was a highly statistical significance toward “progress toward peace” connected to focused intent toward it.When put together, the results were amazing. The likelihood that this result of reduction of war was simply due to chance, was less than one part in ten million, million, million (ie. 0.0000001). There was far more evidence that group meditation can turn off war like a light-switch, than there was that aspirin reduces headache pain. It is a scientific fact.— summarized from the words of Dr John Hagelin.When we do the work of individuation, we burn through those things obscuring us to the Self, and can regain our connection to the whole. Things like egoic wants, fears, beliefs burn away in this work, toward our inner diamond – the lighthouse that can shine through the darkness to create a better world. This is not some utopian ideal. As the above study shows, it is a scientific *fact*. While this incredible study shows the power of unifying together to bring higher states into the collective, it also hints at the incredible power that lies within each of us, to raise consciousness here. *Now*. We are not powerless, just the contrary, we each have *great power*.Together it is an “unassailable fact” that we can create the world our souls know, deeply, should exist here, but has instead lost its way. To bring in peace, love, unity and wisdom, purely through our true and deepest state of Being. An Indra net of souls, of diamonds, who meditate and do the inner work, to save our world. We can choose to engage in the old, eternal battles that serve a few and create untold suffering – of difference and separation, of divide and conquer, of fear and violence, or we can reach our eternal Self and connect with our brothers and sisters across the planet, and lift our world – one stuck in so much ignorance – up. Into *consciousness*.There is great hope, and it is in us. Each of us. You and me and the eternal Self within, uniting us like lanterns across the world through the dark. The greatest work just may be in silence. The meek may truly inherit the earth – an earth that teeters now on a knife’s edge. Perhaps we truly were born to be midwives at this epoch between the Ages. To help birth true Light, peace, love, wisdom here – wholeness; standing strong in the storm together through its birth pangs past ignorance, fear and suffering. Holding hands together toward a greater state of being.Let’s try.”-Rachel Alana

You Are a Part of Me I Do Not Yet Know
“What has been an ancient spiritual truth is now increasingly verified by science: We are all indivisibly part of one another. We share a common ancestry with everyone and everything alive on earth. The air we breathe contains atoms that have passed through the lungs of ancestors long dead. Our bodies are composed of the same elements created deep inside the furnaces of long-dead stars. We can look upon the face of anyone or anything around us and say—as a moral declaration and a spiritual, cosmological, and biological fact:
You are a part of me I do not yet know.”
-Richard Rohr
Right Here Right Now
“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.”
-Walt Whitman
The New Quilt of Humanity
“The old threads are unraveling,
Get your needles ready.
We are stitching a new quiltof Humanity.Bring your old t-shirts,worn out jeans, scarves,antique gowns, aprons,old pockets of plentywho have held Earth’s treasures,stones, feathers, leaves,love notes on paper.Each stitchA mindful meditation.Each piece of materialA story.The more colour the better,so call in the Tribes.Threads of browns, whites,reds, orangesWomen from all nationsstart stitching.Let’s recycle the hate, the abuse,the fear, the judgment.Turn it over, wash it clean,ring it out to dry.It’s a revolutionof recycled wears.Threads of greens, blues, purplesColourful threadsof peace, kindness,respect, compassionare being stitchedfrom one continent to the nextover forests, oceans, mountains.The work is hardYour fingers may bleed.But each cloth stitched togetherBrings together a community.A world, our future worldUnder one colourful quilt.The new quilt of humanity.”-Julia Myers
Heart Full of Quietness
“Begin the song exactly where you are.Remain within the world of which you’re made.Call nothing common in the earth or air.Accept it all and let it be for good.Start with the very breath you breathe in now,This moment’s pulse, this rhythm in your bloodAnd listen to it, ringing soft and low.Stay with the music, words will come in time.Slow down your breathing. Keep it deep and slow.Become an open singing bowl, whose chimeIs richness out of emptiness,And timelessness resounding into time.And when the heart is full of quietnessBegin the Song exactly where you are.”-Malcolm Guite

You Are the Medicine
“Cure yourself, with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall.With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.
Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves,with neem and eucalyptus.Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar. And take it looking at the stars.Heal yourself, with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.Get strong with bare feet on the groundand with everything that is born from it.Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead.Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember …you are the medicine.”
-Maria Sabina
No Matter How Long You Live
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.”-Albert Einstein

Live In Fertile Soil
“In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.”
-Dave Hollis
“Live in fertile soil. Take in nutrients like your life depends on it. Breathe fresh air, in and out. Take a break from the rapids, surrender, and the current will either carry you or kick you out towards its gentle edges. Move away from depleting habitats. Leave a sedentary mind and body for the one that is waiting for you on the other side of this and any other present uncertainty. Your future gains certainty when you rise, like your voluntary breath, actively inspiring, consciously and unconsciously inhaling and exhaling.”
-Erika Putnam
Spiritual Congruence
Caroline Myss is a pioneer in healing, truth finding, spirituality and individual power that I have learned from through the years and her post today really resonated with me. Thoughts, power and where it originates, the word, and the fruitlessness of judgement… Her explanations provide simple yet powerful paths to truths of our existence here on the planet! Myss calls maintaining spiritual congruence the fifth mystical law. Here they are:
“Practice spiritual congruence by living these truths:
You should say only what you believe and believe what you say.
Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.
Thought precedes the creation of matter. Therefore, your thoughts are instruments of creation as much as your words, deeds, and finances. Become conscious about the quality of your thoughts, because each one sets patterns of cause and effect into motion. Every thought is a tool. Every thought is a prayer.
Judgement anchors you to the person or thing you judge, making you its servant. Judge others too harshly and you become their prisoner.”
-Caroline Myss