Donna Ashworth’s words found my core this morning, expressing so beautifully what my soul was feeling.
“We exist on a 4.5 billion year old rock
floating in an unfathomable expanse
of nothing-ness
you and I
we are magnetically held in place
along with 8 billion other people.
every single thing that exists on this rock
is without doubt a work of art
so intricately crafted
we will never truly discover the scope of wonder within
we are made of the same elements
as everything that naturally surrounds us
just shaken up differently
and oh so magnificently
look at us, my friends.
we are breathtaking
our breath alone
the power in that act
is breathtaking
everything you are doing right now
reading, feeling, understanding
is fascinatingly complex
and yet we spend our days worrying about things
that are of no significance at all
walk around your world today
with awe in your eyes
and really see what you are living.
every aspect of this life
is nothing short of astonishing
and this rock we are clinging to with ease
is astounding.
eyes open, reach out, breathe deep
take it all in
this rock, our home,
will know each of us
for only a heartbeat in its timeline.
leave only love
live with only gratitude
look with only wonder.”
-Donna Ashworth