An ancient voice, always there, unearthed and unleashed, surrounded and supported by yesterday’s strangers who are now forever friends, deeply embedded in my heart. Witnessing Love and Self through another’s eyes. Walking the earth wide open and singing. Sitting in wonder. Absorbing the resonances of the sounds brought as a gift by candlelight. The gong filled with whale song. The mornings fresh, the nights pod like, nestled among my fellow travelers, yet in dark personal silence. Full to brimming. Rain in the valley, snow on the mountain tops, hail and sunshine glowing through the trees, five white swans to grace us, a gaggle of geese landing in stunning symmetry on the pond….
There is bravery here, there is innocence, there is vulnerability, and there is power. It is good. And so it is.

I say YES!
Yes to:
Surrender & Trust & Allowing & Receiving & Acceptance
Yes to:
The Grandmother & The Mother & to Gratitude and to Holiness
Yes to:
Deepening and Listening & Witnessing the Love & Radiance in the Eyes & Heart of Each Soul
Yes to:
The Earth, The Sun, The Stars, The Light, The Ancestors & to Spirit
Yes to Life in all her Guises, Learnings and Transformations

(with honor and love to Katherine, Wil, Debbie, Lynn, Lori, Red Star & Justin)