All posts by Joyce

Patient Waiting Love

“The song of the wind softened, gentled. Behind the violence of the birthing of galaxies and stars and planets came a quiet and tender melody, a gentle love song. All the raging of creation, the continuing hydrogen explosions on the countless suns, the heaving of planetary bodies, all was enfolded in a patient, waiting love.”

-Madeleine L’Engle

“Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen”

-Bernie Taupin



“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.”



“Right now there are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness.

Someone you haven’t met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.

Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that will change how you look at life.

Nuns in the Alps are in endless vigil, praying for the Holy Spirit to alight the hearts of all of God’s children.

A farmer is looking at his organic crops and whispering, “nourish them.”

Someone wants to kiss you, to hold you, to make tea for you.

Someone is willing to lend you money, wants to know what your favorite food is, and treat you to a movie.
Someone in your orbit has something immensely valuable to give you — for free.

Something is being invented this year that will change how your generation lives, communicates, heals and passes on.

The next great song is being rehearsed.

Thousands of people are in yoga classes right now intentionally sending light out from their heart chakras and wrapping it around the earth.

Millions of children are assuming that everything is amazing and will always be that way.

Someone is in profound pain, and a few months from now, they’ll be thriving like never before. From where they are, they just can’t see it .

Someone who is craving to be partnered, to be acknowledged, to arrive, will get precisely what they want — and even more. And because that gift will be so fantastical in it’s reach and sweetness, it will quite magically alter their memory of angsty longing and render it all “So worth the wait.”

Someone has recently cracked open their joyous, genuine nature because they did the hard work of hauling years of oppression off of their psyche — this luminous juju is floating in the ether, and is accessible to you.

Someone just this second wished for world peace, in earnest.

Some civil servant is making sure that you get your mail, and your garbage is picked up, that the trains are running on time, and that you are generally safe.

Someone is dedicating their days to protecting your civil liberties and clean drinking water.

Someone is regaining their sanity.
Someone is coming back from the dead.
Someone is genuinely forgiving the seemingly unforgivable.
Someone is curing the incurable.

You. Me. Some. One. Now.”

-Danielle LaPorte via Mary Standing Otter


November – Like Properly Aged Cider

“We seldom think of November in terms of beauty or any other specially satisfying tribute. November is simply that interval between colorful and dark December. Then, nearly every year, come a few November days of clear, crisp weather that makes one wonder why November seldom gets its due.
There is the November sky, clean of summer dust, blown clear this day of the urban smog that so often hazes autumn….
There is the touch of November in the air, chill enough to have a slight tang, like properly aged cider. Not air that caresses, nor yet air that nips. Air that makes one breathe deeply and think of spring water and walk briskly.”

-Hal Borland

“In November, the trees are standing all sticks and bones. Without their leaves, how lovely they are, spreading their arms like dancers. They know it is time to be still.”

-Cynthia Rylant


You are Known

“You are seen.

You are known.

You are loved.


“Love isn’t concerned with being fluffy and good looking- love moves endlessly on in indelible waves of wonderment, and I am astonished by its endless surging onward.”


There are so many ways to Love!  So many incarnations, expressions, tapestries, layers, emotions…

For me reading SARK’s deeply felt words today, “multiplying the love exponentially”, I felt my love for the wild ones rise up, vividly and passionately. The emotion was rich, almost overwhelming.  Beautiful.  It felt right to use these images of elk, for the post.  Yes, I see you, I know you and I love you.  Especially as hunting season gets underway here in Montana, there too is a place for this reverence and awe.  There is wonder in their wildness, their families, their sovereignty to live wild and free.

If you don’t already, follow SARK as she re-embraces Love after devastating loss.  For the pain there are no words for, she has found them.  Eloquently.  And still, after some time for deep grief, she “dated the world” and then allowed her heart to evolve again into opening to all of the universe’s gifts. And there, waiting, where it had always been, she found LOVE.

Here’s a sample of SARK’s writing about her astonished reawakened Love.  Subscribe for her always inspirational posts. Highly recommended!  As Maya Angelou says, “We in this world, and this weary world itself, have a great gaping need for SARK.” Indeed.

And as you likely know SARK periodically, in addition to these inspirational posts, offers empowering workshops and writing retreats (on line and in person).

Stay “astonished ya’ll!  Love is always there.  Always. In All Ways.

Still So Much Beauty

“A big moon, waxing, looms overhead. In a few days, it will be a Hunter’s Moon, the first full moon after the Harvest Moon, a reminder of the season. So too is the feel of the crisp air upon the face and the forest preparing for winter. I inhale the familiar smell of the birches mixing with the fire we are building. I hear the rush of

the river outside, competing with the bubblings of familiar voices inside. A big hawk circled in the twilight and I know that bears, wild turkeys, and so many other marvelous creatures are passing around us in the darkness.

This is a moment I want to savor, am determined to savor, while knowing that life is fragile and fleeting. These are troubling times, but if we lose our moments of common humanity, our connection with nature, a sense that there is still so much beauty, we risk losing everything.”

-Dan Rather

Nourishing Calm

“In our time, in our civilization, sitting and doing nothing is considered either to be a luxury or a waste of time. But sitting can produce the most nourishing calm and joy and we can all afford some time to sit. How wonderful to sit and do nothing.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

For me, especially to sit and do nothing in Nature easily produces that state of nourishing calm that Thich Nhat Hanh’s quote describes.  Nature’s abundance and abiding wisdom is found in this quiet calm of sitting.  It is a meditation, it is connection, and it is joy; certainly it is joy.

The wonderfulness of sitting and doing nothing in nature is so fulfilling, so very full and rich.