As 2017 comes to a close at midnight, my heart is full with memories. I know more with each passing day that the sweetness is in awareness. Awareness of all of the magic, majesty and wonder all around, in every single second. In the trees, the wild ones, the big night sky, the wind, every snow flake, the fragrance of pine, my dog’s intent gaze, the eyes of a stranger, the touch of my beloved… The moments of wonder stitch together in a tapestry of hours, days, weeks, and thus this year was made. Moments of awareness, of being here now, slowly weave together our lives. There is so very much to treasure, absorb, experience, and be with. How beautiful.
It leaves me breathless for all that 2018 may bring… It is a precious thing to be alive in this world.
So…goodbye 2017 and thank you!

And to 2018, sending heartfelt wishes for all of us to write on our hearts, pause in the silence of the forest, visit the area of the soul where words don’t penetrate, be peaceful and wild, and Love, Love, Love, in the wondrous moments that will create our new year!
“Write it on your heart… that every day is the best day of the year.”
-R. W. Emerson
“Pausing to experience the silence of the forest during winter months is a gift of presence.”
-Andrea Fereshteh
“Some events are in the area of the soul where words cannot penetrate.”
-Neil Cassady
“There is peaceful. There is wild. I am both at the same time.”
-Nayyirah Waheed
“What is done in love is done well.”
-Vincent Van Gogh