I almost missed this one. It’s just the second annual celebration and it caught me off guard and unprepared. Shopping for my Mom for Mother’s Day on Thursday, I realized it – today was Woman’s Day!! My day to celebrate being a woman. That nurturing, independent, deepening, wisdom seeking, free flying, sometimes scattered, loving, spiritual, lover of music, books, travel, nature, friends, Little Bear, Mom and husband… all that makes me a woman.
I am child-less but not Less.
I have found myriad ways of giving and absorbing love without the great benefit of the boundless kind showered on a child that is born to you.
Unconditional love is possible for me, without the teachings that bearing and raising a child unfolds and deepens in you (thanks Betsy for saying that to me so many years ago – you’ve likely forgotten but I never have).

So Woman’s Day did happen for me after all. I stopped right then, and asked myself how I wanted to celebrate. I had chocolate in the afternoon, I bought a boho vest and a flying free feather bearing woman mobile (she SO speaks to me of this woman’s day celebration and celebrating being a woman!), I spent time in quiet space on the healing mat, I listened to music and absorbed the forest. A grand Woman’s Day indeed.
The importance of the intent and the doing and being were not lost.