Category Archives: Inspiring Words

Live In Fertile Soil

“In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.”

-Dave Hollis

“Live in fertile soil. Take in nutrients like your life depends on it. Breathe fresh air, in and out. Take a break from the rapids, surrender, and the current will either carry you or kick you out towards its gentle edges. Move away from depleting habitats. Leave a sedentary mind and body for the one that is waiting for you on the other side of this and any other present uncertainty. Your future gains certainty when you rise, like your voluntary breath, actively inspiring, consciously and unconsciously inhaling and exhaling.”

-Erika Putnam

Spiritual Congruence

Caroline Myss is a pioneer in healing, truth finding, spirituality and individual power that I have learned from through the years and her post today really resonated with me.  Thoughts, power and where it originates, the word, and the fruitlessness of judgement… Her explanations provide simple yet powerful paths to truths of our existence here on the planet!  Myss calls maintaining spiritual congruence the fifth mystical law.  Here they are:

“Practice spiritual congruence by living these truths:

  • You should say only what you believe and believe what you say.

  • Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.

  • Thought precedes the creation of matter. Therefore, your thoughts are instruments of creation as much as your words, deeds, and finances. Become conscious about the quality of your thoughts, because each one sets patterns of cause and effect into motion. Every thought is a tool. Every thought is a prayer.

  • Judgement anchors you to the person or thing you judge, making you its servant. Judge others too harshly and you become their prisoner.”

    -Caroline Myss

Between Our Breaths

“Even in movement there is stillness                                                      If we would but awaken.

Between our breaths                                                                       breathing in and breathing out,                                                    Between the blinking of our eyes                                                        and the beating of our heart,

In that space,                                                                                                  as time begins falling into the timeless                                                We focus on that still point                                                                    and cross the threshold

Awareness rises.”

-Bob Holmes


A Hundred Scars From Caring

“They say beauty comes from a spirit that has weathered many hardships in life and somehow continues with resilience.
Grace can be found in a soul who ages softly, even amid the tempest.
I think the loveliest by far is the one whose gentle heart bears a hundred scars from caring, yet still finds a way to pick up the lamp, one more time, to light the way for love.”
-Susan Frybort


This summer solstice has been an embrace, an opening, a huge release and a tremendous expansion – inner and outer. What a gift!

Mother Earth in her wisdom, in her sustaining and nurturing power and love, is as ever, guiding, comforting, and expressing beauty in myriad ways.

The wild roses at home are radiating wonder holding rain drops as precious gifts.

It is all a gift to me.

Happy Summer Solstice!

“I too have known loneliness.
I too have known what it is to feel
rejected, and suddenly
not at all beautiful.

Oh, mother earth,
your comfort is great, your arms never withhold.
It has saved my life to know this.
Your rivers flowing, your roses opening in the morning….”

-Mary Oliver