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Yosemite’s Grandeur
“Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.”
-Ansel Adams
“Down through the middle of the Valley flows the crystal Merced, River of Mercy, peacefully quiet, reflecting lilies and trees and the onlooking rocks; things frail and fleeting and types of endurance meeting here and blending in countless forms, as if into this one mountain mansion Nature had gathered her choicest treasures, to draw her lovers into close and confiding communion with her.”
“Respect the man of noble races other than your own, who carries out, in a different place, a combat parallel to yours — to ours. He is your ally. He is our ally, be he at the other end of the world. Love all living things whose humble task is not apposed in any way to yours, to ours: men with simple hearts, honest, without vanity and malice,
and all the animals, because they are beautiful, without exception and with exception indifferent to whatever idea there may be. Love them, and you will see the eternal in the glance of their eyes of jet, amber, or emerald.
Love also the trees,
the plants,
the water that runs through the meadow and on to the sea without knowing where it goes;
love the mountain,
the desert,
the forest,
the immense sky, full of light or full of clouds; because all these exceed man and reveal the eternal to you”
Raven teaches me of endless curiosity, partnership, work ethic, continual learning, listening, mystery, intelligence…
They fascinate, stimulate, illuminate.
I am always aware of their presence….
“I am a black bird, a Raven, I am Raven. I know and I am knowing—I know and see life and death, expansion and contraction and I do not shiver and cry—I am unafraid.
I am Raven. I am black as liquid night with wings and my eyes are stars to see by.
The light within me leads the way and it is revealed through my eyes and I am what lies between the dark and light.
There is certainly a timeless quality to this cedar forest. A boardwalk traverses the ancient woods and in peacefulness and quiet you walk. Beauty at every turn, at every angle, no matter where you look. In every season, sweetness. Long breaths. Shimmering sunshine splattered, trickling water, rushing big water, rocks of every color, rabbit, deer, bear… an full ecosystem breathing life in unison and thriving. In that abundance and balance there is solace.
In many native cultures the cedar symbolizes healing, cleansing, prosperity and protection and those qualities are deeply felt here.
“Wander here a whole summer, if you can. Thousands of God’s wild blessings will search you and soak you as if you were a sponge, and the big days will go uncounted.
If you are business-tangled, and so burdened with duty that only weeks can be got out of the heavy laden year, then go to the Flathead Reserve; for it easily and quickly reached by the Great Northern Railroad. Get off the track at Belton Station, and in a few minutes you will find yourself in the midst of what you are sure to say is the best care-killing scenery on the continent – beautiful lakes derived straight from glaciers, lofty mountains steeped in lovely nemophila-blue skies and clad with forests and glaciers, mossy ferny waterfalls in their hollows, nameless and numberless, and meadowy gardens abounding in the best of everything …. ” John Muir
Glacier National Park – just a few photos of the wonders there…
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Wiley, curious, handsome/beautiful, loyal, these creatures cross my path often. Fox seem like the perfect combination of cat and dog – a wild and free version. I’ve read that they keep the same den for multiple generations – roots are important to their tribe.
We have a den nearby and a red fox that passes through often. I hope he enjoys his home here near ours.
The photos in the gallery above are all of red fox even though their colors are in a range from black to beige, with a nice red in between too!
Love when these curious, intelligent, four legged, grace my day with their wildness and questioning faces…
“Men have forgotten this truth”, said the fox. “But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”