Tag Archives: Home

The World in White

Bare Trees

These snow days are sweet with wonder.  The white carpet ensconces us warmly, allowing a deep simmering.  The simmering distills to peace.

A soul distilled from simmering shimmers with radiance reflecting the peace within.

Sweet, soft glow across the snow.  Oneness of white.

Time stills.

“There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only.” – Joseph Wood Krutch

Andrew's Trail in Snow

“Lo. sifted through the winds that blow, Down comes the soft and silent snow, White petals from the flowers that grow In the cold atmosphere.”                 -George W. Bungay


View from Andrew's Trail, Snow, Tall Trees Santa Rock, Snow, Trees Forest View, Snow5 Andrew's Trail in Snow

I Notice

At 3am I feel these words spilling out,

Soft moonlight on the newly fallen snow.


I notice these moments with you, they do not fly by.  Lingering in them, I feel the sweetness.

Stitched together time, a history together.

Little big moments of a life shared.

There are many riches:  the fire in the hearth, your warmth and sincerity, the kindnesses each day, music, books, Little Bear, watching the snow fall, the leaves turn, the summer unfold, the new earth awaken in spring, feeling you with me, loving you.

This is our life, savored and noticed.  I am overwhelmed by the beauty of our days together…

Craig at Whitefish Lake with Reflections

The Middle of Nowhere

“I’d rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than anywhere else on earth.”

– Steve McQueen
Forest Treasures Glowing Greens

I sort of live in the middle of no-where… at least many people may think so.  And I’ve thought a lot about that.

But it’s always someone’s somewhere isn’t it?  These woods with the tall trees are home to fox, elk, ravens, bear, coyote, wolf, and myriad wild Daisy Aloneflowers.  Life comes and goes in its natural cycle. The days too are in sweet rhythm… the whole of this living system together is  complete and vibrant and I feel that way amongst this radiant Life.

Living in the middle of nowhere to me is much like the concept that the Native Americans and this land were “discovered” by Christopher Columbus.  As if they didn’t exist until they were told who they were by the newcomers. Forest Greens with Lady Slippers

Yes, nowhere is always somebody’s somewhere. Somewhere special and unique and valued.

This particular No Where is my greatest gift.

Its quiet and wholeness help me find the essence of who I am.

Forest Greens

 “No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.”

-Sheryl Crow

“You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you.”

– Joseph Joubert

Outrageous Grace

“Somehow, by some outrageous grace, a new day has been given. There is no greater miracle than this. Allow yourself to receive the benediction of pure presence, for it is your birthright. It is wired inside you and yearning to erupt from your totally untamed wildness. For when it does, an avalanche of clear beauty is unleashed, sending love stories, wild music, and sweet poetry into the stars and supernovas, seeding the galaxies with your unique light.”
-Matt Licata
Night Sky with Clouds
Those words are so stunningly beautiful.  I too want to “erupt into untamed wildness, and unleash an avalanche of clear beauty” just as Matt Licata writes.  May you too feel the avalanche of “love stories, wild music, and sweet poetry” moving “into the stars and supernovas, seeding the galaxies with your unique light.”
Oh my goodness yes, I wish this for you, for me, for all our relations!

Green Goodness

The earth is rich and vibrant with carpets and curtains of myriad greens after June’s nurturing rain and snow showers.  Radiantly emanating a strong life force.  Sweetly breathing in, while we breath out.  Cleansing. Deeply satisfying. Feeding the soul and our primitive need for the solace and the promise of what a green environment brings – food and water, sustenance for body and soul.


From “Psychological Properties of Color”:

“GREEN. Balance
Positive: Harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance, environmental awareness, equilibrium, peace.
Green strikes the eye in such a way as to require no adjustment whatever and is, therefore, restful. Being in the centre of the spectrum, it is the color of balance – a more important concept than many people realize. When the world about us contains plenty of green, this indicates the presence of water, and little danger of famine, so we are reassured by green, on a primitive level.”

Foresst Greens (2)

“And the needles of the pine trees, freshly washed to a deep, rich green, shimmered with droplets that blinked like clear crystals.”
-Billie LettsRain Drops, Pine

Forest Greens

“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises”

-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Sparkling Diamond Rain Drops – A Gallery of Photos

“Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”

-Langston Hughes
Drops, Purple Flowers“A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.”

-Rachel Carson

The sweetness of rain showered the earth all day with nurturing.  I learned to love the rain while living in Hawaii and have continued to love it since.   On an island where fresh water is a life force, the rain is always a blessing.  The Hawaiian language shows the respect and honoring for rain in its more than 100 words of description for the gift of falling water.  “Awa” is a mist or fine rain, Rain Drops, Single Red Leaf“Kawa” is for heavy rain, “Ililani” for a storm, “hikiki’i” for rain that comes at a slant.   Earlier in this blog, I enjoyed writing about the Eskimos many names for snow, and my 200 names for Love.  It is this honoring of the essence of things and of taking the time needed to notice, acknowledge and feel the nuances and differences, that bestows the rain, the snow and love with such depth and breath.

During a brief respite between showers I found sparkling diamonds of rain drops scattered everywhere!

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So many ways of seeing, feeling and honoring the rain!


Little Wonders (There are No Weeds) – A Gallery of Photos

Ruth Bebee Hill, in her book of the Lakota, Hanta Yo, first introduced me to the nonexistence of a “weed”.  I was in my twenties when I first read her words and hadn’t thought of a weed in just that way before.  In her dedication to authenticity, the author translated the entirety of her book to the Lakota language from English, then back to English again for publication (this has since been disputed).  She stated that she had a deep sense that she had not captured the essence of the Lakota experience on her first try in English, and in learning the language, and therefore the worldview and conceptual landscape the culture lived in, she was able to give the reader a more true feel and understanding of the life and connections of the Lakota (ethnologists again disagree).    No word for “weed” exists in the Lakota language (this I believe they do agree on!).   They do not have a concept for a  throw away or non-respected plant in their world.   There is an honoring of all that is given as useful, unique and sacred.  This is a good way of living on the planet.

I captured these images (slideshow will load below) in my yard and woods.  Not planted and unplanned, these living wonders are gifts given by nature.  Beautiful and appreciated beyond measure.  Certainly not “weeds”.