“There is a love of wild nature in everybody, an ancient mother-love showing itself whether recognized or no, and however covered by cares and duties”
-John Muir
Tag Archives: love
I Say Yes
An ancient voice, always there, unearthed and unleashed, surrounded and supported by yesterday’s strangers who are now forever friends, deeply embedded in my heart. Witnessing Love and Self through another’s eyes. Walking the earth wide open and singing. Sitting in wonder. Absorbing the resonances of the sounds brought as a gift by candlelight. The gong filled with whale song. The mornings fresh, the nights pod like, nestled among my fellow travelers, yet in dark personal silence. Full to brimming. Rain in the valley, snow on the mountain tops, hail and sunshine glowing through the trees, five white swans to grace us, a gaggle of geese landing in stunning symmetry on the pond….
There is bravery here, there is innocence, there is vulnerability, and there is power. It is good. And so it is.
I say YES!
Yes to:
Surrender & Trust & Allowing & Receiving & Acceptance
Yes to:
The Grandmother & The Mother & to Gratitude and to Holiness
Yes to:
Deepening and Listening & Witnessing the Love & Radiance in the Eyes & Heart of Each Soul
Yes to:
The Earth, The Sun, The Stars, The Light, The Ancestors & to Spirit
Yes to Life in all her Guises, Learnings and Transformations
(with honor and love to Katherine, Wil, Debbie, Lynn, Lori, Red Star & Justin)
Going to the Woods Alone
“Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone,
with not a single friend,
for they are all smilers and talkers
and therefore unsuitable.
I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds
or hugging the old black oak tree.
I have my ways of praying,
as you no doubt have yours.
Besides, when I am alone
I can become invisible.
I can sit on the top of a dune
as motionless as an uprise of weeds,
until the foxes run by unconcerned.
I can hear the almost unhearable sound of the roses singing.
If you have ever gone to the woods with me,
I must love you very much.”-Mary Oliver
What If?
“What if our religion was each other.
If our practice was our life.
If prayer, our words.
What if the temple was the Earth.
If forests were our church.
If holy water the rivers, lakes, and ocean.
And what if meditation was our relationships.
If the teacher was life.
If wisdom was self-knowledge.
If love was the center of our being.”-Ganga White
You are Known
“You are seen.
You are known.
You are loved.
“Love isn’t concerned with being fluffy and good looking- love moves endlessly on in indelible waves of wonderment, and I am astonished by its endless surging onward.”
There are so many ways to Love! So many incarnations, expressions, tapestries, layers, emotions…
For me reading SARK’s deeply felt words today, “multiplying the love exponentially”, I felt my love for the wild ones rise up, vividly and passionately. The emotion was rich, almost overwhelming. Beautiful. It felt right to use these images of elk, for the post. Yes, I see you, I know you and I love you. Especially as hunting season gets underway here in Montana, there too is a place for this reverence and awe. There is wonder in their wildness, their families, their sovereignty to live wild and free.
If you don’t already, follow SARK as she re-embraces Love after devastating loss. For the pain there are no words for, she has found them. Eloquently. And still, after some time for deep grief, she “dated the world” and then allowed her heart to evolve again into opening to all of the universe’s gifts. And there, waiting, where it had always been, she found LOVE.
Here’s a sample of SARK’s writing about her astonished reawakened Love. Subscribe for her always inspirational posts. Highly recommended! As Maya Angelou says, “We in this world, and this weary world itself, have a great gaping need for SARK.” Indeed.
And as you likely know SARK periodically, in addition to these inspirational posts, offers empowering workshops and writing retreats (on line and in person).
Stay “astonished ya’ll! Love is always there. Always. In All Ways.
Dance of Love
“Both light and shadow
are the dance of Love.”-Rumi
Beams of Love
“We are here to learn to endure the beams of love.”
-William Blake
With Love and Reverence
“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“Love they said burns you and builds you!
But with you, there is no ash,
Just Light.
-Kamand Kojouni
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.”
-John Milton
The Sun From Both Sides
Sunrise Crater Lake
“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”
-David Viscott
Sunset Amelia Island
Justice Everywhere
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”* * * * *“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”* * * * *“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”* * * * *“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”* * * * *“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”-Martin Luther King