Tag Archives: Photography

Outrageous Grace

“Somehow, by some outrageous grace, a new day has been given. There is no greater miracle than this. Allow yourself to receive the benediction of pure presence, for it is your birthright. It is wired inside you and yearning to erupt from your totally untamed wildness. For when it does, an avalanche of clear beauty is unleashed, sending love stories, wild music, and sweet poetry into the stars and supernovas, seeding the galaxies with your unique light.”
-Matt Licata
Night Sky with Clouds
Those words are so stunningly beautiful.  I too want to “erupt into untamed wildness, and unleash an avalanche of clear beauty” just as Matt Licata writes.  May you too feel the avalanche of “love stories, wild music, and sweet poetry” moving “into the stars and supernovas, seeding the galaxies with your unique light.”
Oh my goodness yes, I wish this for you, for me, for all our relations!

Celebrating Freedom

How better to celebrate the freedoms we have then to be alive in each moment, with every molecule of our singular unique self brought to fruition.  What a huge gift this freedom!  To be able to live our highest truth without involvement from imposing powers not our own.  Huge sacrifices have been made for these gifts.

Evolved and evolving, present, aware living are the fruits of this free life.  Letting our being creatively express on the palette of the vibrant planet.  Feeling deep gratitude. And yes! bringing to being all of our singular unique selves.

Yes, we are truly free.

Know it.  Live it.

And may the creatures be wild and free!

Mountain Goat

Freedom lies in being bold.

Robert Frost

Freedom – to walk free and own no superior.

Walt Whitman

Resolve and thou art free.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Glacier National Park Wonders – A Gallery of Photos

“Wander here a whole summer, if you can. Thousands of God’s wild blessings will search you and soak you as if you were a sponge, and the big days will go uncounted.

Goat Haunt

If you are business-tangled, and so burdened with duty that only weeks can be got out of the heavy laden year, then go to the Flathead Reserve; for it easily and quickly reached by the Great Northern Railroad. Get off the track at Belton Station, and in a few minutes you will find yourself in the midst of what you are sure to say is the best care-killing scenery on the continent – beautiful lakes derived straight from glaciers, lofty mountains steeped in lovely nemophila-blue skies and clad with forests and glaciers, mossy ferny waterfalls in their hollows, nameless and numberless, and meadowy gardens abounding in the best of everything …. ”   John Muir

Glacier National Park – just a few photos of the wonders there…

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Continue reading Glacier National Park Wonders – A Gallery of Photos

Four Agreements

Rainbow, Watertondon Miguel Ruiz’s four agreements provide a path for deepening into the simple life that is clear, uncluttered and transformational. On the road of life’s journey these are simple tenants of being in the world that can be life changing and enhancing when expressed in each moment.  There is ease and comfort here.  Remembering.

Ruiz creates an invitation of exploration. What could living this life road look like?  Feel like?  Although simple, these four agreements require a constancy and attention.  Truth in action. Awareness.

1. Be impeccable with your word.

2. Don’t take anything personally.

3. Don’t make assumptions.

4. Always do your best.

Bryce, First Sun Rays



Life changing.


I believe the first tenant, “be impeccable with your word”, means not just spoken words but thoughts too… keeping it true and right in thought and word – impeccable.  A tenant to aspire to.

Ruiz’s little book, The Four Agreements, explains the tenants further, but each person can evaluate the truths hidden within each one for themselves.  There’s a tiny pocket version too – perfect to slip in your purse or backpack.

I love that this Ancient Toltec wisdom is still with us in 2014 and can be slipped into a backpack in tiny book form….. continuing to help us become wise, wild and free!

Bryce, Raven Against Red Rock

“Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use your power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

“Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally… Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.”

“If others tell us something we make assumptions, and if they don’t tell us something we make assumptions to fulfill our need to know and to replace the need to communicate. Even if we hear something and we don’t understand we make assumptions about what it means and then believe the assumptions. We make all sorts of assumptions because we don’t have the courage to ask questions.”

“Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more and no less. But keep in mind that your best is never going to be the same from one moment to the next.”


“To be Toltec is a way of life. It is a way of life where there are no leaders and no followers, where you have your own truth and live your own truth. A Toltec becomes wise, becomes wild, and becomes free again.”

Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Four Agreements




Wiley, curious, handsome/beautiful, loyal, these creatures cross my path often.  Fox seem like the perfect combination of cat and dog – a wild and free version.  I’ve read that they keep the same den for multiple generations – roots are important to their tribe.

We have a den nearby and a red fox that passes through often. I hope he enjoys his home here near ours.

The photos in the gallery above are all of red fox even though their colors are in a range from black to beige, with a nice red in between too!

Love when these curious, intelligent, four legged, grace my day with their wildness and questioning faces…

“Men have forgotten this truth”, said the fox.  “But you must not forget it.  You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Positive Ions


Is there anything more peaceful and powerful to the soul’s experience than the rhythm and power of surging, moving water? Torrents of water are falling from the sides of mountains everywhere now.  Where the water narrows into smaller and smaller spaces the intensity builds to a crescendo of power and music.

Trail of the Cedars, Waterfall


Negatively charged ions are showering us when near this powerful movement of water. This is a good thing!!Powerful Water

From the article “Ions and Consciousness” in the magazine “Whole Self”: 

Technically speaking:  “Ions are charged particles in the air that are formed in nature when enough energy acts upon a molecule such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, or nitrogen to eject an electron from the molecule leaving a positively charged Ion. The displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a negatively charged Ion. It is the negative ion of oxygen that affects us the most.”Waterfall

I also read from Comtech Research:   “the normal ion count in fresh country air is 2,000 to 4,000 negative Ions per cubic centimeter (about the size of a sugar cube). At Yosemite Falls, you’ll experience over 100,000 negative Ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, the level is far below 100 per cubic centimeter on the Los Angeles freeways during rush hour.”Sparkling Water


So, get out to the rushing, moving water!  Feel the positive energy all ’round and Breathe!

Waterfall, Going to the Sun, July 3

“As many raindrops join to form a great river of water,
many souls join their highest intent to form
the river of evolved consciousness.”
– Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Waterfall in Yellowstone


On Being Enlightened

Searching, absorbing teachings, reading the masters, sitting in meditation, being with nature… all in the quest for “enlightenment”.

The seeking for the deepest truths is a lifelong quest, but the journey to enlightenment finds us right where we started… in this very moment, being truly and uniquely who we are.  Knowing the creative potential in the moment, with focused, savoring, attention on the be-ing-ness of living, takes me as close as I think I’m going to get to enlightenment – and it is enough.


As the quote goes:

New Mexico, Taos Square & Clouds“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment;  chop wood, carry water.”

-Zen Proverb



Sound Healing

Sound.  Primordial manifesting. Healing and transporting.  The music of the spheres providing the foundation of our experience.  The word.

Traveling with the sound healer Tom Kenyon in Bhutan brought the totality of sound’s power to bear on my life.  In conference rooms and temples, the pure resonance and connections of his tonings were astounding.


Bhutanese Man with Prayer Wheel

The nuns pictured above too held us transported with their chants & singing.

Every culture uses sound and music and has a need for these expressions.  Drumming, toning, chanting, singing….

Tom Kenyon’s work as a therapist brought him initially to the exploration of the potential of the power in sound for healing for his patients.  This exploration moved into deeper and deeper realms… his five octave voice is a miracle.  The sounds, toning, music, and chant seem to come through him, not from him.

“I become like a tuning fork to the information that is coming through me, in shamanism they call it being the ‘hollow reed’…”

-Tom Kenyon

“It’s ok to look up to make sure there’s only one person up here making these strange sounds.  But what’s important is what’s happening inside YOU.  That’s where the power is.”

-Tom Kenyon

A new film about his work, called “Song of the New Earth” is making the rounds of screenings around the country.

Check it out here:


And here’s a link to his website for a list of seminars and some free downloads:


Tom Kenyon

You may not embrace, understand, or believe all that is contained there, but if you can allow an opening to healing and connection while absorbed in the sound, you may find an expansion of your perception, and find help with healing and connections.

Click here to access a sound healing session called the Inner Sun Meditation:


I often listen to Tom Kenyon tapes for meditation and for healing and hope they may be helpful to you.  As the quote from Tom states below, I’ve seen miracles happen with sound.

“I’ve seen miracles happen with sound…”
~Tom Kenyon

“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole.”
-Pythagoras (569-475 BC)

“Do you know our soul is composed of harmony”

-Leonardo da Vinci

Life’s Energy

Deepening into a simple life can help expand the complexity of the inner world exponentially.  Creative juices flow freely.  Self dialogue is more limited and the experience of life’s energy more pronounced.  Frequency and vibration are elevated. A quiet, calm, attentive, absorptive state of being prevails.

Peaceful. Connected.Avalanche Boardwalk, Ferns

Take a moment, a long sweet breathing moment, and feel the energy moving and becoming, spreading beyond all boundaries.  Feel the interplay.  Divine!


“Love the moment and the energy of the moment will spread beyond all boundaries.”

-Sister Corita Kent


“And what is man without energy?  Nothing – nothing at all.”

-Mark Twain

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

-Nikola Tesla


Through the Eyes of a Child

On this day that we celebrate Fathers (and those that Father the land, the four legged, all children and adults who need it), we acknowledge that to do this well, renewal of the awe and wonder of each experience, as if seen for the first time, helps immeasurably in the communion and understanding of the little ones.

Seven days with a one and a half year old renews and teaches again this moment to moment seeing with eyes that see wonder!  This is  a joyful, revelation inducing, wisdom centered existence of be-ing in this world.  May we all remember to see through the eyes of a child…

Liam PointingLiam with Rock


“To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature.  Most persons do not see the sun.  At least they have a very superficial seeing.  The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and heart of the child.  The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each otheTiny Blue Flowerr; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.”

  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson



The great man is he who does not lose his child’s-heart.”

  ~Mencius, Book IV

Liam Looking at Owl


It is a happy talent to know how to play.”

  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Liam in Yellow Jacket, Lake McDonald