Tag Archives: Quotes

A Holy Curiosity

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”

Albert Einstein

“In the next twenty centuries…humanity may begin to understand its most baffling mystery—where are we going? The earth is, in fact, traveling many thousands of miles per hour in the direction of the constellation Hercules—to some unknown destination in the cosmos. Man must understand his universe in order to understand his destiny.

Mystery, however, is a very necessary ingredient in our lives…Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis for man’s desire to understand. Who knows what mysteries will be solved in our lifetime, and what new riddles will become the challenge of the new generation? Science has not mastered prophesy. We predict too much for the next year yet far too little for the next ten. Responding to challenges is one of democracy’s great strengths. Our successes in space can be sued in the next decade in the solution of many of our planet’s problems.”

Neil Armstrong

Overwhelmed By a Ray of Sunlight

“I was born to walk the Earth, experience the amazing beauty of this planet, and witness the splendor and magic of all things—to be overwhelmed by a ray of sunlight, touched by an encounter with a frog, mystified by the texture of a rock wall.

I was born to splash through the creeks, sing through the canyons, laugh with the squirrels, just as I did as a small child in the woods behind our family’s home.

I was born to be a kid, and not take life too seriously, or get sidetracked by a career, a project, or anything that ties me down to the life of bills, shiny new toys, status, and pavement.”

-Scott Stillman

Purified, Cleansed and Reborn


“Sit in the forest long enough and you begin to see through animal eyes. the fog of mindlessness starts to clear and thoughts flow away like water cascading down the mountainsides into the valleys, soaking down into the soil, deep into the earth, to be purified, cleansed, and reborn back into the world. Now you are free.”

-Scott Stillman

Beautiful Wanderer

I have friends who struggle with their worthy essence, and knowing that their partner is out there, really knowing that to be true. And there are those with loving partners that still question. I see your radiance, your beauty, your loving and lovely soul.

This from Andy Charringtonea is for you searchers and questioners and wanderers… we are all on that journey together beautiful wanderer.

I love these words and especially the last line:

“You may find that the adventure of searching reveals as much wonder as the dream you are chasing.”

“Dear Beautiful Wanderer~

You are an important part of this world. And someone thinks you’re worth whatever it takes.

There is someone wonderful who wants to look you in the eyes when you are talking and listen to what you are saying. They want to make love to your mind. They care about your happiness and want to walk your journey with you, moving branches out of your way and leaping over muddy streams with you.

Someone out there thinks that you are so special, they would do anything for you.

You are a great human. And someone admires your greatness. They see the way you think and respect what you have achieved. They want to jump right in with you and show you just how amazing they think you are. They want to climb your walls and explore your depths. Someone out there wants to tell you how great you are with every sunrise and every sunset.

You are sexy. And someone wants to show you that. They want to seduce you and romance you and show you parts of themselves reserved only for you. They want to learn your secrets and be that for you. They want you to know that to them, you are the most beautiful lover and you won’t ever compare to anyone else. Someone out there doesn’t care if they weren’t your first, as long as they’re your last.

You are funny. And someone else thinks so too. They laugh at the world in the same way you do. They want to giggle with you and spend endless hours with just a fire, the stars and your mind. They smile at the same unsaid jokes of the world and finish the sentences you thought were too inappropriate to finish. Someone out there wants to be your sidekick.

You are sensitive. And someone not only sees the perfection of your whole self but is succinctly intuitive and empathetic to your wonderful sensitivity. They admire your way of feeling and they meet you there even when they don’t feel it the same way. They won’t resist any sacrifice they choose to make to relieve your journey and heal your wounds. They want to ride this train with you, in your way and at your speed. Someone out there wants to be your safe place and soft landing.

You are perfect. And someone not only doesn’t care about your flaws, they recognize that they make you who you are and that’s exactly what they want. They want to cuddle you in the hard times and dance in the rain with you for every tiny success. They love everything about you and don’t ignore the ugly parts or wish them gone. Someone out there wants all of you, just as you are, warts and all.

You are beautiful. And someone wants to tell you that. Every day and in a thousand ways. They are attracted to you like a butterfly to a flower. They are proud to walk with you holding your hand and giggle and blush with their friends when they talk about you. Someone out there has falling autumn leaves in their belly every time they look at you.

You are worth it. And someone will do whatever it takes in the name of your beautiful love and future together. They hear your needs and quietly strive to meet them. They understand your weaknesses and help, not through charity, but by seeing that you have been strong on your own for too long. They see your wounds and kiss them not because they have to, but because they want to. Someone out there thinks you’re worth everything you need.

You are kind. And someone sees how you try to be. They notice your efforts and understand your gestures just as you intend them. They find deep comfort knowing how you see yourself, own your past and learn from your mistakes. They know your kindness just as you do. Someone out there wants to be cared for in just the way you want to care.

You are brave. And someone sees what you’ve done and what you’ve done it against and loves you all the more for it. They want to meet you on your adventure and explore every dark corner and every awe filled sky of life with you. They want to hold your hand and jump together. Someone out there thinks you are their fellow explorer.

You are lovable. And someone loves you with every fiber of their body. Not because you are perfect, but because they inexplicably, whole-bodily, head-swimmingly, galaxy-explodingly love you. They see all of you and love each tiny bit as much as the next. They don’t need you to prove your worthiness or chase their affection. Someone out there loves you in just the way you imagined they would.

So be strong my dear, and patient. Everything you dreamed of is out there somewhere. Put on your boots and start exploring. You may find that the adventure of searching reveals as much wonder as the dream you are chasing.

Faithfully yours,

Your fellow explorer”

~ Written by Andy Charringtonea

Hear the Stir of a Single Snowflake


“May you grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that you yourself may grow calm and grounded deep within.

May you grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping into the ground, so that your soul may be softened and healed, and guided in its flow.

May your grow still enough to hear the splintering of starlight in the winter sky and the roar of earth’s fiery core.

May you grow still enough to hear the stir of  a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation.”

-Brother David Steindl Rast

Christmas at Midlife

Christmas at Midlife by Mary Anne Perrone

“I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days.
I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred.
I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task.
I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star.
I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived.
I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now.
I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held.
I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called.
I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out.
I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough.
I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle.
I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe.”

I have held this sacred time in myriad moments of gratitude and wonder, mountains and big sky Wonder.  Sweet and quiet, gifts of time and attention, and presents that took love and intention to choose.  Softly falling snow, the tall pines, fir and larch dressed in white lace, sparkling fires in the hearth, stockings hung, glowing trees in the forest with colorful lights for only us to see.  A dog to love us, brothers and sisters to call in, a matriarch to care for. These small treasures have proved nourishing and heart warming.

In gratitude and wonder, and with love, Merry Christmas 2019!

Sweet Solstice

“The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close… like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds.

Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism.

…and yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating. Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and loving, embracing goodbye the past year.

Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth.

.. and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight.”

–Brigit Anna McNeill