Tag Archives: Quotes

A Breeze is Stirring

“As you move through these changing times… be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to.

You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it.

Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother’s grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle… and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you.

Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.”

-Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

Raven, Glacier, Snow

A Glorious Greeting

“How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains.”

-John Muir

Our new year is a gift of 365 mornings resplendent in fresh beginnings and the possibility for sweet reflective endings.  Here’s to giving each one of these days as glorious a greeting as the sun gives the mountains, with abundant gratitude from sunrise to sunset.

Happiest of New Years!!  May it be brimming with Radiant Health, Adventure, Love, Learning, Deepening, Blessings, Unexpected Gifts and a Peaceful Heart, infused with nature, animals, family and friends!!

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

-Marcus Aurelius

Sun Through the Trees

“I like to walk alone on country paths,
rice plants and wild grasses on both sides,
putting each foot down on the earth
in mindfulness, knowing
that I walk on the wondrous earth.
In such moments, existence is a miraculous
and mysterious reality.
People usually consider walking on water
or in thin air a miracle.
But I think the real miracle
is not to walk either on water or in thin air,
but to walk on earth.
Every day we are engaged in a miracle
which we don’t even recognize:
a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves,
the black, curious eyes of a child–
our own two eyes.
All is a miracle.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Winter, Pasture, Fence, Sunrise

Walk in the Sunshine

“None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else.”

-Keanu Reeves

Baring the hidden treasure of your truth, celebrating and not hiding from life, walking in the sunshine (and in fresh snow), yes,  I heartily agree with Keanu Reeves, that life is to be lived with vibrant awareness and passion!

This morning I am attune to the radiating trees in their snow clothes, the sun embracing every fiber of them and me!  The peace of silent footsteps in newly fallen snow – so many gifts this day has already given.

Snow, Trees with Glistening Sun, Winter


Today I Rise

“Where are you

little girl with broken wings but full of hope?

Where are you

wise woman covered in wounds?

Where are you?  Where are you?  Where are you?

Today is the day I will not sit still and give in anymore,

today I rise.

I am bruised but I will get up and walk again,

today I rise.

I don’t care if you ignore my beauty,

today I rise.

Through the alchemy of my darkest night, I heal and thrive,

today I rise.

I move through the world with confidence and grace.

I open my eyes and am ready to face

my wholeness as a woman and my limitless capacities.

I will walk my path

with audacity,

today I rise.

I reconnect with the many aspects of myself.

I am in awe of the reality I can create.

I am a queen,

I am a healer, a wise woman, a wild woman.

I will rise and be.

I am a rebel I will wake up and fight.

I am a mother and I am a child.

I will no longer disguise my sadness and pain,

I will no longer suffer and complain.

I am black and I am white.

There’s no reason to hurt.

Where are you? Where are you?

I call upon Kali to kiss me to life.

I transform my power and anger,

no more heartache or strife.

The world is missing what I am ready to give,

my wisdom, my sweetness, my love

and my hunger for peace.

I weep with the trees and the rivers

and the earth in distress.

I rise and shine and am ready to go on my quest.

Today I rise without doubt or hesitation,

today I rise without excuses, without procrastination.

Today I call upon my sisters to join

a movement of resoluteness and concern.

Today is my call into action,

to fulfill my mission without further distraction.

Today is the day,

today I will start,

to offer the world the wisdom of my heart”

This beautiful short poem of a film  (by Films for Action; filmsforaction.org) and the accompanying words were perfect music for the celebration of my birth day…..


And then of course, Maya Angelou’s “And Still I Rise” is immediately

brought to mind…

Sunrise, Snow, Treeview



The Most Valuable Currency There Is

“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame so that they can see that it’s not where you’re gonna find your sense of completion. I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is, because everything you gain in life will rot, and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.”

-Jim Carey

Fence, Snow, Pasture, Sunset


“Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory.”

-Susan Brownell Anthony

Lake, Driftwood, Rocks

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.”

-Rose Kennedy