Tag Archives: Sapphire Girls

Woman’s Day 2015

I almost missed this one.  It’s just the second annual celebration and it caught me off guard and unprepared.  Shopping for my Mom for Mother’s Day on Thursday, I realized it – today was Woman’s Day!! My day to celebrate being a woman.   That nurturing, independent, deepening, wisdom seeking, free flying, sometimes scattered, loving, spiritual, lover of music, books, travel, nature, friends, Little Bear, Mom and husband… all that makes me a woman.

I am child-less but not Less.

I have found myriad ways of giving and absorbing love without the great benefit of the boundless kind showered on a child that is born to you.

Unconditional love is possible for me, without the teachings that bearing and raising a child unfolds and deepens in you (thanks Betsy for saying that to me so many years ago – you’ve likely forgotten but I never have).

Woman With Feathers Sculpture

So Woman’s Day did happen for me after all.  I stopped right then, and asked myself how I wanted to celebrate.  I had chocolate in the afternoon, I bought a boho vest and a flying free feather bearing woman mobile (she SO speaks to me of this woman’s day celebration and celebrating being a woman!), I spent time in quiet space on the healing mat, I listened to music and absorbed the forest.  A grand Woman’s Day indeed.

The importance of the intent and the doing and being were not lost.


Traveling the Inner & Outer Roads

“I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.”

-Lillian Smith

Bryce, Mom on Bench

“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.”

-Anatole France

Sky View

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.”

-Paul Theroux


“Not all who wander are lost.”

-J.R.R. Tolkien

Idaho Road



Women’s Day


Held on the Thursday before Mother’s Day, this day is a celebration

of ALL women, Non-Mothers and Mothers alike!

Last year, I spent time nurturing myself for the day and it was a lovely celebration.  I am not a mother.  I have watched in awe as my sisters-in-law, friends, and my one and only Mother gracefully embody myriad roles and strengths as they raised their children.  I am full of honor and respect for them.  But there was a hole each year for me, and for many of my childless friends – we celebrated the Mothers, but were never celebrated ourselves.  We as Sapphire Girls celebrate all women on the Thursday before Mother’s Day.

Let us know how you will love & care for yourself.

(below a couple of images from last year’s celebration… Bookworks in Whitefish for a new read, and the little cabin is where Red Star does her fabulous massages)

Womans-Day-Bookworks-1024x680 Red-Stars-Cabin-680x1024