Tag Archives: Simple Life

My Your Heart Soar

“The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dew drop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
And the life that never goes away,
They speak to me.
And my heart soars”

-Chief Dan George

All of these moments that Chief George eloquently lists make my heart soar too! And my unbounded soaring heart is activated by all that surrounds me here – at home. Simple and sweet gifts of nature and love, and the “beauty of the trees and the softness of the air” touch me to my molecules.

May you feel your heart soar as precious moments compel your complete attention and are indelibly etched on mind and memory…


The last day of February – already.  Our winter in northwest Montana came late… beautifully, powerfully and incessantly.  Deep cold and deep snow. Satisfying.  Waking to heavy snow showers this morning, knowing we’re transitioning soon, I’m absorbing it all.

I need this deep winter.

“I love the deep silence of the midwinter woods. It is a stillness you can rest your whole weight against… This stillness is so profound you are sure it will hold and last.”

-Florence Page Jaques

“So burrow in. Snuggle deep. A winter idyll of simple splendor awaits.”

-Sarah Ban Brea



The Promise of Spring

Called Saint Brigid’s Day, this 24 hour period, sundown to sundown, Feb. 1 – Feb. 2, is a traditional Gaelic celebration, marking the beginning of Spring!  It is the exact mid-point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  Also Groundhog Day, Imbolc, and Candlemas, this day in the middle of winter is celebrated in many cultures and traditions.

It is said that this day holds the promise of Spring!

That promise is held dear, while not rushing the inherent gifts of this winter still unfolding. A big storm is on the horizon, that will rush into northwestern Montana tonight, finding us by the hearth with quiet, books, and the warmth of the fire, inviting in the inner sanctuary that this outer sanctuary of peaceful snow allows.

Selena Fox in “Celebrating the Seasons” recommends that we fill our day with:

“cleaning your altar, doing a self purification with elemental tools – cleansing your body with salt (Earth), your thoughts with incense (Air), your will with a candle flame (Fire) your emotions with water (Water), and your spiritual body with a healing crystal (Spirit)… Take a nature walk. ..Reflect upon/reaffirm spiritual vows and commitments you have made.”

I will do all of these things.

Earth will be reawakening soon. This is the time of preparation for birthing all that is new in You!



Go Outside

“Go outside
and let your breath
be stolen away.
Find the forests,
seek the seas,
on the mountains,
mist covered
from morning.
We are nurtured
by nature, born
for the wild places;
we’ve no business
in cities, in buildings
taller than trees
can grow.
Go outside,
and begin living

-Tyler Knott Gregson

What Is A Prayer?

“It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don’t try
to make them elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.”

-Mary Oliver

From The Minds Journal I found the following interpretation of prayer and it resonated deeply.  For me, nature’s wonder, these mountains, this majesty, allows and invites a prayerful approach; a reverent way of being alive absorbed by this commanding presence.

Keep praying always…. in all the ways that speak to you.