Tag Archives: Soul

Hear the Stir of a Single Snowflake


“May you grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that you yourself may grow calm and grounded deep within.

May you grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping into the ground, so that your soul may be softened and healed, and guided in its flow.

May your grow still enough to hear the splintering of starlight in the winter sky and the roar of earth’s fiery core.

May you grow still enough to hear the stir of  a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation.”

-Brother David Steindl Rast



“Look carefully around you and recognize the luminosity of souls. Sit beside those who draw you to that.”


“…with thankful attention… looking back…I can always tell which moments had taken on the restful luminosity.  There is a certain stillness, or completion, about them.”

-Hannah Hinchman

“The perceptions of middle age have their own luminosity.”

-Gail Sheehy

“I try to live in the luminosity of things.”

-Meia Geddes

The Most Valuable Currency There Is

“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame so that they can see that it’s not where you’re gonna find your sense of completion. I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is, because everything you gain in life will rot, and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.”

-Jim Carey

Fence, Snow, Pasture, Sunset