“Knowing her grandchildren
would inherit the world she left behind,
she did not work for flourishing
In her time only.
It was through her actions of reciprocity,
the give and take with the land,
that the original immigrant
became indigenous.
For all of us,
becoming indigenous to
a place means living as
if your children’s future mattered,
to take care of the land as if our lives,
both material and spiritual,
depended on it.”
“Every spring is the only spring – a perpetual astonishment.” -Ellis Peters
“Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of Spring?” – Neltje Blanchan
“Come with me into the woods where Spring is advancing, as it does, not matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts and certainly visible.” – Mary Oliver
Click into any image to see a full scale version and to start a slideshow…
“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.”
“You may be the most cynical, born and bred, citified lefty like me — instinctively skeptical of big concepts like “patriotism,” relatively foreign to hunting culture, unused to wide open spaces.
But spend any length of time traveling around Montana, and you will understand what all that “purple mountain majesties” is all about.
You’ll soon be wrapping yourself in the flag and yelling, “America, **** yeah!” with an absolute and nonironic sincerity that will take you by surprise.
You will understand why and what people fought and died for — or at least perceived themselves to be fighting and dying for — either defending Native American hunting grounds against Custer or “defending America” against foreign aggressors. And you will be stunned, stunned and silenced by the breathtaking, magnificent beauty of Montana’s wide open spaces.”
– Anthony Bourdain…
I already deeply miss his unique, intimate, raw, and endearing look at the world.
“And when you look up at the night sky over Montana, it’s hard not to think that we can’t be alone on this rock, that there isn’t something else out there or up there in charge of this crazy-ass enterprise.”
-Anthony Bourdain
Here’s some big Montana night sky for you Anthony, wish you could have come our way again..
“Everyone needs a practice which polishes them, to wear away at the obscuring mindstuff which settles like debris on one’s way of seeing. In our hearts, we know there is meaning to it all, an ordering nature to the chaos, but like a dream that slips away into forgetting, we have to practice at coming into its coherency. Without such a practice, we fall prey to the belief that the toxic fog of consensus culture is the real reality. When in fact, it is only the ‘not-beauty’ behind which beauty is hiding.”