Tag Archives: Virginia Woolf

Stay Alive!

“Whatever happens, stay alive.

Don’t die before you’re dead.

Don’t lose yourself, don’t lose hope, don’t lose direction. Stay alive, with yourself, with every cell of your body, with every fiber of your skin. 

Stay alive, learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design.

Stay alive, stay alive inside you, stay alive also outside, fill yourself with colors of the world, fill yourself with peace, fill yourself with hope.

Stay alive with joy. 

There is only one thing you should not waste in life,

and that’s life itself.”

-Virginia Woolf

One Drop



“Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.”


“…The old that is strong does not wither,                                        Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”

-J.R.R. Tolkien

“I feel a thousand capacities spring up in me. I am arch, gay, languid, melancholy by turns. I am rooted, but I flow.”

-Virginia Woolf