Held on the Thursday before Mother’s Day, this day is a celebration
of ALL women, Non-Mothers and Mothers alike!
Last year, I spent time nurturing myself for the day and it was a lovely celebration. I am not a mother. I have watched in awe as my sisters-in-law, friends, and my one and only Mother gracefully embody myriad roles and strengths as they raised their children. I am full of honor and respect for them. But there was a hole each year for me, and for many of my childless friends – we celebrated the Mothers, but were never celebrated ourselves. We as Sapphire Girls celebrate all women on the Thursday before Mother’s Day.
Let us know how you will love & care for yourself.
(below a couple of images from last year’s celebration… Bookworks in Whitefish for a new read, and the little cabin is where Red Star does her fabulous massages)