“You are not a drop in the ocean,
you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
All posts by Joyce
The Wild Ones
What is it about living with the wild ones?
I only know that it is necessary.
A Richness
“The cost of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”~ Henry David Thoreau
Woman’s Day 2015
I almost missed this one. It’s just the second annual celebration and it caught me off guard and unprepared. Shopping for my Mom for Mother’s Day on Thursday, I realized it – today was Woman’s Day!! My day to celebrate being a woman. That nurturing, independent, deepening, wisdom seeking, free flying, sometimes scattered, loving, spiritual, lover of music, books, travel, nature, friends, Little Bear, Mom and husband… all that makes me a woman.
I am child-less but not Less.
I have found myriad ways of giving and absorbing love without the great benefit of the boundless kind showered on a child that is born to you.
Unconditional love is possible for me, without the teachings that bearing and raising a child unfolds and deepens in you (thanks Betsy for saying that to me so many years ago – you’ve likely forgotten but I never have).
So Woman’s Day did happen for me after all. I stopped right then, and asked myself how I wanted to celebrate. I had chocolate in the afternoon, I bought a boho vest and a flying free feather bearing woman mobile (she SO speaks to me of this woman’s day celebration and celebrating being a woman!), I spent time in quiet space on the healing mat, I listened to music and absorbed the forest. A grand Woman’s Day indeed.
The importance of the intent and the doing and being were not lost.
Your Life on Fire
“Set your life on fire.
Seek those who fan your flames.”
Every Flower
“Tis my faith that every flower,
Enjoys the air it breathes.”-William Wordsworth
Breath of Life
“Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life.
Breathe in and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe, breathe out and bring the cosmos back inside.
Next, breathe up all fecundity and vibrancy of the earth.
Finally, blend the breath of heaven and the breath of earth with your own, becoming the Breath of Life itself”
-Morithei Ueshiba
The Ultimate Sophistication
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”~ Leonardo da Vinci
The Stillness & Sanctuary Within You
“Within you is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and by yourself.”
-Hermann Hesse
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”
-Joseph Campbell
“While Eeyore frets …
… and Piglet hesitates
… and Rabbit calculates
… and Owl pontificates
…Pooh just is.”-The Tao of Pooh
Time in the forest, that supreme place of sanctuary and stillness, is a way of beauty and of finding the stillness and sanctuary within yourself…
a place to just be…
Be who you are.
An Equinox, An Eclipse and A New Moon
Nature’s trifecta embraces us today with possibility, power and presence.
As each day is, it is a time to be reborn. To find center. To reach new depths. To connect. To be completely and utterly our unique selves.
This day is a harbinger of the richness of the season to come.
May you blossom and grow like this new Spring, bursting forth on all levels and in every dimension. May you see beauty and know your own.
P.S. The last solar eclipse during a March Equinox was in 1681, so this is a big one!!