Tag Archives: Home

Your Own Wild Life

This Thing In You

will not take no for an answer.
This that somehow
shines strong
beneath the heavy hard hurry
of your conveniently
noisy life. This shapeless

something that shows up
everywhere –
even when you forget
to notice.

It does not
understand safe
or sensible, will not let you
get away with half
hearted, lifeless

It’s that wordless
that does not know how
to be quiet. It will continue knocking
until you throw open
the door. Until you become –

Ablaze. Awake. Madly in love.

The dazzling artist
of your own
wild life.

-Julia Fehrenbacher

February 27

This Moment is the Perfect Place to Begin

Matt Licata’s words resonated with me today…

“Turn into the ocean of your unlived life, and bring the warmth of awareness into the hidden places inside you. Behold the forms of love as they reconfigure, and open to the unmet feelings, the disowned longings, and the split-off pieces you have lost contact with. Dare to see that they do not mean you harm, but have come longing for integration. There are jewels concealed in the forgotten pathways, awaiting discovery, filled with energy and information for the journey ahead.

But the substance which shapes these pathways is of the unknown, and is unbearably creative. It was never going to turn out the way you thought. Rather than seeing this as a mistake or cosmic error, you can find rest here. It is not the rest of the mind where everything is resolved, but the rest of the heart where everything is held and metabolized in wholeness. Love will never be pinned down or worked out. It is just too wild for all that.

If we do not meet, hold, and integrate the heartbreak, the fear, the rage, and the entirety of our essence vulnerability – if we do not provide sanctuary for the aliveness of the somatic world – we will inevitably place this burden on the others in our lives, to care for it on our behalf. While others can help us along the way, they cannot take care of this sacred material for us. For this is their gift to us.

It is an act of love to remove this burden from our lovers, our friends, and our families. And to take experiential, full-spectrum responsibility for its holding and its care. As we integrate the arising narrative, emotions, feelings, and sensations within the spaciousness of awareness, we become open, warm, transparent vessels for love to come alive here, and to seed this world with its qualities.

You need not postpone being fully here for another moment. This moment is the perfect place to begin.”

Low Fog, Snow Around Trees, Bear Bottom, Home

A Piercing of the Smoke Screen

“I am no longer trying to “express myself”, to impose my own personality on nature, but without prejudice, without falsification, to become identified with nature, to see or know how things are, their very essence, so that what I record is not an interpretation – my idea of what nature should be – but a revelation, a piercing of the smoke screen.

-Edward Weston

Spring, Puddle, Fence, FogSpring, Reflection, Trees, Puddle

The Stillness & Sanctuary Within You

“Within you is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and by yourself.”

-Hermann Hesse

Spring, Reflection, Trees, Puddle


“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

-Joseph Campbell

Forest, Fog, Trees, Spring


“While Eeyore frets …
… and Piglet hesitates
… and Rabbit calculates
… and Owl pontificates
…Pooh just is.”

-The Tao of Pooh

Forest, Fog, Trees, Road, Spring

Time in the forest, that supreme place of sanctuary and stillness, is a  way of beauty and of finding the stillness and sanctuary within yourself…

a place to just be…

Be who you are.