Tag Archives: Silence

What Feels Real and True

From Mark Nepo’s The One Life We’re Given the quote below helped with perspective today.  Mark Nepo creates word tapestries that weave together to provide such solace, and he has provided tremendous peace to me these last weeks.

I am deeply listening and learning, reading and absorbing the foundational and fundamental changes needed in our country, our culture, our society and our world now.  Now.   From justice for marginalized people of every pigment shade, every circumstance, to respect and care for our nourishing and sustaining Mother Earth,  to acknowledgement for the gifts of the wild ones, the plants and the trees that share our planet, much compassion, understanding, support and change are needed.  Thank you Mark for helping me to traverse and navigate these tumultuous times.

“During times of deep change, we’re forced to kneel before the silent god of patience; listening—not for direction, but for what feels real and true. Until presence leads to presence. This is how we come to listen to our soul.

I know from my own evolution that most of what the heart knows enters us like lightning, and is already true somewhere inside, while the rest of us struggles to catch up. I’ve also learned that we’re never drawn into a change we’re not ready for, though the change may be difficult.

Under the weight of living, I’m thankful for how gifted we are to have hearts that feel. Thankful for the chance to be tender and thorough and possible one more time. And whenever we dare or are forced to lift each other up or ease each other down, we have the glorious chance to find what we’ve lost in our common story. When we can truly behold each other, we slowly become each other. We become love itself. It’s through love’s eyes that we can see that it’s sweetly enough to have come this far.

So however uncertain tomorrow might seem, I encourage you to withstand the dizziness of freedom and to trust the wisdom that waits in your heart, which knows what it needs to be alive and to stay alive.

No matter what seems unbearable, the well of feeling in the center of our being will never let us down, just as the fire in the center of the Earth will never go out. As you leave our long conversation and walk back into the sweep of your flowering life, I can only assure you that nothing will keep you from being worn to your beauty, that all will be real, and that everything you touch will gift you something.”

-Mark Nepo

Font of Healing

We woke to a soft dusting of snow on the ground here in northwest Montana… and the sweetest flakes falling softly.  It felt like a benediction.  A cleansing. A layering of love. A pure foundation for the solitude and silence that will prevail today.  Time for reflection of all those precious blessings of beauty, love, nature’s embrace and spring unfolding that surround us so abundantly in these uncertain times.

I feel their strength and honor the gifts.

I will take in no media today to better deepen into this…

“We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and privacy.”

-C.S. Lewis

“Solitude is for me a font of healing which makes my life worth living. Talking is often a torment for me, and I need many days of silence to recover from the futility of words.”

-Carl Jung

May our world and the earth be healed.

Our Rarest Commodity

“As our world becomes increasingly polluted with noise, silence is becoming our rarest commodity. Through all the madness, how can we possibly hear what the Earth is so patiently trying to tell us? Wilderness is our only hope. The one place we can always come back to.”

-Scott Stillman

Blind Loving Silence

“The lamps are different,
But the Light is the same.
So many garish lamps in the dying brain’s lamp-show,
Forget about them.
Concentrate on the essence, concentrate on the Light.
In lucid bliss, calmly smoking off its own holy fire,
The Light streams towards you from all things,
All people, all possible permutations of good, evil, thought, passion.
The lamps are different,
but the Light is the same.
One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind,
Endlessly emanating all things.
One turning and burning diamond,
One, one, one.
Ground yourself, strip yourself down,
To blind loving silence.
Stay there, until you see
You are gazing at the Light
With its own ageless eyes.”



There is solace to be found, always.

May you find your solace even amidst chaos and uncertainty, at the abiding center of yourself, deep inside.

My solace is found in silence, writing, books, animals, simplicity, music, friendship, laughter and nature, yes, these are my places.  Those sweet things that resonate to the core of being.

Yes, there is solace to be found.

“..i spill into
the kind of silence
only Khalil Gibran would understand.”

-Sanober Khan

“Writing is the supreme solace.”

-W. Somerset Maugham

“Find joy and solace in the simple, and cultivate your utopia by felling the Tao in every cubic inch of space.”

-Wayne Dyer

“Books can be a source of solace…”

-Michael Dirda

“I find solace in animals. I have a stray dog at home called Candy. I picked it up while I w as waiting at the airport one day. I always wanted to have a “macho” dog but got this sweet little thing instead.”

-Randeep Hooda


“Music has always been a great solace for me. It’s still something that gives me far more joy than movies, I must say. I love movies too.  But somehow, music can transport you. There are so many different kinds of experiences you can have with music.”

-Allison Anders

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister?”

-Alice Walker

“Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember,  source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.

-Lorraine Anderson

“I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”

-Anne Frank

“Laughter heals, gives solace, and is life enhancing.”

-Liz Carpenter

How lovely to find quotes for each and every one of my special solaces….


“Not speaking and speaking are both human ways of being in the world, and there are kinds and grades of each. There is the dumb silence of slumber or apathy; the sober silence that goes with a solemn animal face; the fertile silence of awareness, pasturing the soul, whence emerge new thoughts; the alive silence of alert perception, ready to say, “This… this…”; the musical silence that accompanies absorbed activity; the silence of listening to another speak, catching the drift and helping him be clear; the noisy silence of resentment and self-recrimination, loud and subvocal speech but sullen to say it; baffled silence; the silence of peaceful accord with other persons or communion with the cosmos.”

-Paul Goodman

So many silences, a profound collection.  To these eloquent words of Goodman’s I would add,  the silence of being one with nature, and in awe of the beauty and connections …

Red Fox