Tag Archives: Quotes

Magnificent Refuge


“This magnificent refuge is inside you. Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway. Be bold. Be humble. Put away the incense and forget the incantations they taught you. Ask no permission from the authorities. Close your eyes and follow your breath to the still place that leads to the invisible path that leads you home.”

-St. Teresa of Avila



There Is Only One Question

Spring continues to unfold,  with the absorbing music of life bubbling just beneath the surface.  I feel it.

Parker J. Palmer’s words resonated deeply with me this morning as he wrote the following words as a prelude to Mary Oliver’s poem – both his words and Mary’s poem follow.   They speak to me of of season of rebirth in northwest Montana and of Love.

“Spring arrived on my patch of the planet last week, but it’s 25° here as I write! To encourage the season to show up more fully, here’s Mary Oliver with her spot-on description of “the brisk and shallow restlessness of early spring.”

I’m especially grateful for the profound reminder in the pivotal line of this poem: “There is only one question: how to love this world.”

Oliver illustrates love for the world not with a Valentine sentiment, but with a black bear “just risen from sleep” coming down the mountain with “her white teeth, her wordlessness, her perfect love.”

Wild animals “love the world” because they depend on it for their well-being. We are dependent, too, no matter how arrogantly we pretend that we are self-sufficient.

There’s only one way for us to survive and thrive. We must learn to love the earth and each other with the ferocity of a mother bear—saying “NO!” to everything that threatens that which we love, and “YES!” to all that gives it life…”

-Parker J. Palmer

“Somewhere a black bear has just risen from sleep and is staring

down the mountain. All night in the brisk and shallow restlessness of eary spring

I think of her, her four black fists flickering the gravel, her tongue

like a red fire touching the grass, the cold water. There is only one question:

how to love this world. I think of her rising like  black and leafy lodge

to sharpen her claws against the silence of the trees. Whatever else

my life is with its poems and its music and its glass cities,

it is also this dazzling darkness coming down the mountain, breathing and tasting,

all day I think of her — her white teeth, her wordlessness, her perfect love.”

-Mary Oliver



Ah Spring!

Your vibration has been simmering, now ready to burst forth!  I feel this awakening in every cell, the sweetness on my skin, a soft embrace, an invitation.

The inner world of winter making way for the outer connections of Spring into Summer. So many Gifts! I am present.

“Only with winter-patience can we bring the deep-desired, long-awaited spring”

-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“The life of the earth comes up with a rush in springtime.”

-Laura Ingalls Wilder

“To me a lush carpet of pine needles on spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.”

-Helen Keller

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

-Lao Tsu

My Your Heart Soar

“The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dew drop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
And the life that never goes away,
They speak to me.
And my heart soars”

-Chief Dan George

All of these moments that Chief George eloquently lists make my heart soar too! And my unbounded soaring heart is activated by all that surrounds me here – at home. Simple and sweet gifts of nature and love, and the “beauty of the trees and the softness of the air” touch me to my molecules.

May you feel your heart soar as precious moments compel your complete attention and are indelibly etched on mind and memory…


The last day of February – already.  Our winter in northwest Montana came late… beautifully, powerfully and incessantly.  Deep cold and deep snow. Satisfying.  Waking to heavy snow showers this morning, knowing we’re transitioning soon, I’m absorbing it all.

I need this deep winter.

“I love the deep silence of the midwinter woods. It is a stillness you can rest your whole weight against… This stillness is so profound you are sure it will hold and last.”

-Florence Page Jaques

“So burrow in. Snuggle deep. A winter idyll of simple splendor awaits.”

-Sarah Ban Brea