“Words may help you understand something, but experience allows you to know. Never, ever trade your own experience for someone else’s words about anything that is really important. Like God, for instance. Or love. Or what is true about another.”
“Turn into the ocean of your unlived life, and bring the warmth of awareness into the hidden places inside you. Behold the forms of love as they reconfigure, and open to the unmet feelings, the disowned longings, and the split-off pieces you have lost contact with. Dare to see that they do not mean you harm, but have come longing for integration. There are jewels concealed in the forgotten pathways, awaiting discovery, filled with energy and information for the journey ahead.
But the substance which shapes these pathways is of the unknown, and is unbearably creative. It was never going to turn out the way you thought. Rather than seeing this as a mistake or cosmic error, you can find rest here. It is not the rest of the mind where everything is resolved, but the rest of the heart where everything is held and metabolized in wholeness. Love will never be pinned down or worked out. It is just too wild for all that.
If we do not meet, hold, and integrate the heartbreak, the fear, the rage, and the entirety of our essence vulnerability – if we do not provide sanctuary for the aliveness of the somatic world – we will inevitably place this burden on the others in our lives, to care for it on our behalf. While others can help us along the way, they cannot take care of this sacred material for us. For this is their gift to us.
It is an act of love to remove this burden from our lovers, our friends, and our families. And to take experiential, full-spectrum responsibility for its holding and its care. As we integrate the arising narrative, emotions, feelings, and sensations within the spaciousness of awareness, we become open, warm, transparent vessels for love to come alive here, and to seed this world with its qualities.
You need not postpone being fully here for another moment. This moment is the perfect place to begin.”
Oh yes please! On this vernal equinox (the earliest since 1896!), the earth’s readiness to awaken from a rich quiet into a bursting celebration of life is apparent. Today, the night and day have equal measure. But from here, each day is expanded in the light to allow growth deep down into the roots, and upward into new heights.
May it be so with you too, as the sun crosses into our northern hemisphere, may your growth deepen and your expansion blossom into new heights!
Allow yourself to be wildly feverish with Spring!
“It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
-Mark Twain
Never yet was a springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom.
From the website, shinrin-yoku.org, these words about the benefits of “forest bathing,” show the sweetness awaiting an immersion in the woods… how to be alive in all your senses.
“In an unhurried way, allow your feet to wander.
Shinrin-yoku is not about exercise.
It is not about hurry. It is about being alive in all your senses
and trusting that the forest
and other landscapes upon which you wander hold something
good for you.”
Something hidden…
go and find it!
Go and look behind the ranges.
Something lost behind the ranges.
Lost, and waiting for you.
also from the shinrin-yoku website:
What if the land actually loves humans?
What if it needs us?
As our species evolved with all other species
in an interdependent dance,
a long ceremony of mutuality,
each of us bound by invisible threads
within a vast web of interdependence?
If this is the way of things,
then does it not make sense that the land needs us?
Come to it ready to invite its gifts.
Speak to it; let it know what you need.
Brene Brown has a depth of vision for creating more loving kindness in herself, and in the world. She has a lot to teach, and this short video on the importance of boundaries, to sustainable compassion, love, and empathy is profound.
Boundaries are not walls, not separation, but simply and powerfully, they create respect.
Expect the best from everyone, and assume they are absolutely doing the best they can with the tools that they have in this moment.
Let’s bring more love and compassion into the world!!