Tag Archives: Sweet Breathing

Advice From A Ranger

Tim Rains is a Ranger in Glacier National Park.  He is also a talented writer and photographer who posts regularly on Glacier’s Facebook page.  I love sharing his prose and the way he absorbs his personal experience of being in the wild places.  You feel the love he shares with this wondrous environment… *if you’re not connected to the Glacier National Park page do it now, I know you’ll enjoy it!


Here’s one of Tim’s posts at the end of his season in Glacier (the photos are mine)…

Advice From A Ranger (tr)

remember to always wear your hat,

take a good honest look at your shoes,

they’ll be your friend for the next sixteen miles,

then repeat after me:

Rocks Under Water, Avalanche Creekwater is life, water is life, water is life,

take a drink even when you’re not thirsty,

and then look around you,

wherever you are,

you are no different,

Indian Paintbrush

than the alpine paintbrush or the grizzly bear,

than the aspen,

Aspen in Full Color, Blue Sky

or the mountain goat,A Goat Closeup

water is life, repeat after me, water is life,

and then take another drink,

pack a snack, and then pack another,

and then if you’re like me, pack one more,

and make it something nutritious,

something delicious, something to share,

like chocolate covered espresso beans,

or huckleberries, or honey jalapeno jerky,

or whatever makes you smile, makes you go,

one more mile, one step farther,

because you’ll need it here,

this is not a place for the mild at heart,

Bear Profilethis is a place for the wild,

say your “Hey Bears!”, respect their “Hey You’s!”,

their baaaa’s, and bleats, and albeit cute, tiny mews,

share the trail, share the lake, share the road,

and then find a place, wherever you can go,

close your eyes, put your hand to the stone,

take a much needed breath and pay respect,

to those who came before,

your ancients, your elders,

be they stone or cedar, or person,Rocks, Underwater, Running EagleForest Light, Trail of the Cedars

take another breath, and then one more,

and when you’re ready,

open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes,

for this is a place,

to look up,

to look out,

to look down,

and when you are done,

Rabbitt, Trail of the Cedarslooking up, and out, and down,

then look in, and listen,

and remember:

I’ve said this once,

and I’ll say it again,

this is not a place for the mild at heart,

this is a place for the wild,

look in,

and listen,

you, are no different.

Take another drink of water.

Heaven's Peak, Glacier, Fall Colors

Breath, Courage, The Soul

Spiritus – “breath, courage, the soul” in Latin.  Inspiration in English.

“Personal creativity is not about intelligence or information. It’s about inspiration, from the Latin spiritus, meaning “breath, courage, the soul.” Creativity is about being fully alive, living courageously, or as the painter Joan Miro´ says, “Expressing with precision all the gold sparks the soul gives off.” When is the last time you felt fully alive? What is it that calls forth your courage and trumps your fear of sharing your soul? Knowing this is the key to discovering the creativity that is waiting to be expressed through you.”

-Jan Phillips

Feel your creativity and all it means to be You!  Your breath, your soul and your courage are uniquely your own…

Raven Child Portrait


Trail of the Cedars

“for it is not so much to know the self

as to know it as it is known

by galaxy and cedar cone,

as if birth had never found it

and death could never end it.”

-Archie Randolph Ammons

There is certainly a timeless quality to this cedar forest.  A boardwalk traverses the ancient woods and in peacefulness and quiet you walk.  Beauty at every turn, at every angle, no matter where you look.  In every season, sweetness. Long breaths.  Shimmering sunshine splattered, trickling water, rushing big water, rocks of every color, rabbit, deer, bear… an full ecosystem breathing life in unison and thriving.  In that abundance and balance there is solace.

In many native cultures the cedar symbolizes healing, cleansing, prosperity and protection and those qualities are deeply felt here.

Cedar Leaves, Light, Trail of the Cedars


Running Eagle

“I care not what people say of me so long as I do right. I shall never be any man’s slave.”

-Pitamakan (Running Eagle)

Running Eagle Falls3

Running Eagle was a Piegan Blackfoot woman warrior.  The waterfall on this post was named in her honor as she holds a prestigious place in Blackfoot lore.  Brave, smart, beautiful, kind, master horsewoman and bow and arrow shot, she was a leader, ahead of her time as a renaissance woman.

Given the name Brown Weasel Woman, by the time she was fifteen she was hunting buffalo with the men.  While hunting, her Blackfeet were attached by the Flathead, and when her father went down, she went back for him, defended her position, took out a few of the attackers, and got her father home.  She had become Running Eagle and a Warrior.

Not wanting to effect her warrior status she never married instead taking a widow into her home to take care of household duties.  This freed her to continue the life she had chosen.  According to the Blackfoot stories she led dozens of raids against rival tribes including the Crow and Flathead.

As her status as Warrior and leader expanded she was allowed to do a vision quest (only men did vision quests at this time).

The falls were named after her as she did her vision quest at the top of them.  Energy around the falls is quite strong and magical.

There is medicine there.

Running Eagle Falls2


A Fleeting Moment

Deer Crossing


“It’s a moment that I’m after, a fleeting moment, but not a frozen moment.”

-Andrew Wyeth

Greens through the Trees




This life is so precious and the wonders are astounding.  That is what compels me about photography.  You must be fully present to acknowledge these wonders, then make a choice as to what to frame, what moment to capture.  We’re doing that continually of course – making choices of what to focus on, what to acknowledge, what to see and remember.

Deer in the Woods



I’m choosing to remember and focus on love, truth, energy, small and large nature wonders, life’s grace…



“When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher.”

-Ezra Bayda

Moose, Cameron Lake 8

Devotion Looks Like Boundaries

Really enjoying getting to know The Lewicki Agency and the posts there…  Previously I shared a post from them about “lower case art” that I loved.  Their take on individual creative forms gave me courage to continue my humble expressions here…  my dialogue of the wonders I find in the world.

To continue this creative endeavor requires devotion and boundaries and I’m finding more and more that making time for these connections, devotions, deepenings and gratitudes is rewarding and fulfilling time spent.

Prayer & Rocks, Elderly Gentleman, Bhutan copy

The Lewicki Agency’s site posted these words as they relate to devotion and boundaries.

(Here’s their site link to explore more of their writing: http://thelewickiagency.com/devotion-looks-like-boundaries/)

Prayer Flags Trough the Trees copy

 “Devotion looks like boundaries.

It’s not devotion if you are fully available for everything that asks for your attention.

Let us know you by showing us what you are most devoted to. Actively represent your priorities. Take the option to compromise or diminish your devotion off the table.

Reserve the space in advance and you’ll always have it.

Consider the freedom that comes with having a standing reservation for your creativity. Or anything else you’re devoted to. It’s the freedom to experiment. It’s the freedom to explore.

It’s the freedom to take a creative risk today because you know you have another reservation to try again tomorrow.”

-The Lewicki Agency – website, inspiring writing there – see link above!



White Buffalo Day

Today is White Buffalo Day, a celebration of unity and healing based on a legend or prophecy of the Lakota that is 19 generations old.

 “All life is Sacred. We come into life as sacred beings. When we abuse the Sacredness of life we affect all Creation”

-White Buffalo Proclamation 2014

Buffalo Family Group

The link below provides info about the world wide celebration:


Here is their website:


Hear Chief Arvol Looking Horse speak of the legend here (10 minutes):


Buffalo Family

 Walk in Prayer…

 Drum, Dance and Pray for Peace!