Tag Archives: Sweet Breathing

100 Names for Snow

One Hundred Names for Snow

I’ve read that the Eskimos have more than one hundred names for snow.  The Native Hawaiians have dozens of names for rainbows…..aren’t both of these facts lovely?

Snow and rainbows are so vital and important in their beauty and January Snowbowmeaning to these cultures that the people’s awareness of the subtle nuances in each flake, or storm, or misty bow of light, creates minute distinctions.  That is sweet breathing into the moment of awareness.  That is absorbing yourself in the wonder.

In northwest Montana we have myriad types of snow.  The sweetness and peacefulness of snowfall and the aftermath of serenity are wondrous to me.  I never get tired of snow.  I certainly appreciate how having the snow lay its beauty down in all this space under the big sky contributes greatly to its gorgeousness.  (Not so fun when it’s compacted into cities where plows and car exhaust quickly make it a burden and an ugly nuisance).

But not so here.

With the short days of winter, abundant fires in the hearth, and full days of snowfall, introspection comes easily.

This is the time of inner workings.

Miraculous growth can grace you in a molecular moment.

Being instead of doing.  Allowing instead of trying.

Here are a few of my names for snow:

Snow Globe:  Just like you’ve shaken a tiny globe of flakes, this continuous swirl is absorbing and consuming.

Showering:  Like rain, the snow comes in a constant, powerful stream.

Wonder Flakes:  These are those huge snowflakes, softly and slowly falling, beautifully absorbing.

Fairy Dust:  Tiny, sweet whispers of snow crystals.  Like being sprinkled with fairy dust.

Powdered Sugar:  Dry, soft, quietly falling from a white sky.

Crystalized Magic:  An icy sweet mist.  When a sun shaft hits these airborne mist pellets it creates rainbows everywhere.

Pebbles:  The weatherman would call it gropple.  A little like snow hail, it’s icy and substantial.  You can hear this one falling.

Popcorn:  Large and soft, like pieces of styrofoam falling and leaving a quick layer over everything.

Baby Powder:  A talcum grace covering you with magic.

What would you name in a myriad of ways, seeing all of its preciousness?  Snow, June 10th (2)

Animal Wonders – A Gallery of Photos

“If all the beasts were gone,
men would die
from a great loneliness of spirit,
for whatever happens to the beasts
also happens to the man.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the Earth
befalls the sons of the Earth.”
― Chief Seattle

Women’s Day


Held on the Thursday before Mother’s Day, this day is a celebration

of ALL women, Non-Mothers and Mothers alike!

Last year, I spent time nurturing myself for the day and it was a lovely celebration.  I am not a mother.  I have watched in awe as my sisters-in-law, friends, and my one and only Mother gracefully embody myriad roles and strengths as they raised their children.  I am full of honor and respect for them.  But there was a hole each year for me, and for many of my childless friends – we celebrated the Mothers, but were never celebrated ourselves.  We as Sapphire Girls celebrate all women on the Thursday before Mother’s Day.

Let us know how you will love & care for yourself.

(below a couple of images from last year’s celebration… Bookworks in Whitefish for a new read, and the little cabin is where Red Star does her fabulous massages)

Womans-Day-Bookworks-1024x680 Red-Stars-Cabin-680x1024

Whitefish Winter Carnival



Living the sweet life is enhanced by the laughter and exuberance of absorption in a small town.  This week our little town of Whitefish celebrated Winter Carnival.   Locals and visitors of all ages took in the Penguin Plunge and Parade.  The theme of “Vegas” (with sub-theme, “What Happens in Whitefish Follows You Home” (!) met with creative and hilarious costumes and everyone was out for a good time!  Simple pleasure make sweet memories.












Whitefish Carnival Royalty in Sled with Black-Horses


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Breathing All the Sweetness of Life

Breathing. In and Out.  Automatic, unheralded, unconsciousness.

But it doesn’t have to be.  With intention and awareness the breath will transform your life.  When you breath sweetly, you know the power of the breath.  You know that the consciousness of this breath brings you into the moment where you savor the wonders all around you.

This simple yet profound way of traversing the world brings a deepening.   Awareness of beauty in nature, in people, in the animals is a natural next step.  A calm appreciation, a loving presence, an eye for wonder, all come from this sweet breath.

Breathe in the last light of this day and feel the sweetness of being in this moment of wonder.

Whitefish Lake with Alpenglow